From the Principal

Principal's Log

Thank you! Over this past week, staff, students and parents have been intensely engaged in supporting our young people to engage in learning in a very different environment. Being physically back on campus, I have been so impressed with the...
From the Principal

Community Together

At times of considerable challenge and change, we can be people who lift one another. Within our community, there will be vastly different scenarios unfolding for each of us. Being people for each other is the greatest gift we can give. Who we are...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Our teachers, students and parents are to be congratulated on the way they have navigated a complex week of learning and community. The positive energy that has flowed around the College as staff and students have grown capacity to engage with each...
From the Principal

Spreading Care

By small and larger acts of kindness we can spread a culture of care. An important part of the Australian and Pacific cultures is to look out for others. In this time of uncertainty, it is important that we are tuned in to the needs of people around...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

I have been impressed with the way our staff and students have worked creatively together in changing circumstances. As we have moved from large school gatherings, we have seen staff and students adapt to deliver chapels to Pastoral Care Groups and...
From the Principal

Calm, Positive, Purposefulness

Having these three words as a mantra can help us to navigate challenging times in our relationships and circumstance. We are at our best when we can calmly focus on the present, be positive and solution focused and be purposeful in taking next steps...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Like other organisations, Pacific is calmly and purposefully putting contingency plans in place for different scenarios in relation to the Coronavirus (COVID19). All detailed communication regarding updated information has and will continue to be...
From the Principal

Being A Lifter

This year’s International Women’s Day Theme of #EachforEqual invites us to consider the ways in which we respect and protect the dignity of all and act to ensure that people can be the best they can be. People can be treated differently based on a...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

The Future Problem Solving teams, under the leadership of Mrs Jo Belchamber, have begun preparing for this year’s competition. For their practice problems, students will explore the topics of International Travel and Sleep Patterns. If successful in...
From the Principal

Connecting to Our Earthiness

This week as we celebrated Ash Wednesday, we were reminded of our earthiness. When we put our hands into rich soil there is a vitality and sense of possibility as we connect ourselves to nature. Soil is made rich by the cycle of decay and growth. As...
From the Principal