From the Principal

Principal's Log

There has been a surge of energy this week as we have welcomed back our Year 2-10 students into the College. Staff and students across Prep – Year 12 have been excited to reconnect with each other. Students have seamlessly settled into their...
From the Principal

Navigating Change

We have all been navigating substantial change in our lives. How we navigate change can be a little like sailing a boat. There are times where we have read the winds and the currents correctly, set our sails well and can be racing along. Sails...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It has been enjoyable to be able to walk and talk to staff and students on campus, to connect with students online and to also engage with families through Zoom interviews as we have conducted Prep interviews in an online environment. In all...
From the Principal

Quality in Simplicity

Recently, a lot of people have reflected that they have rediscovered simple pleasures and built stronger relationships through these times of broader community restrictions. People have enjoyed the opportunity to spend more time with their family...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We have enjoyed welcoming back our Prep, Year 1, Year 11 and Year 12 students. There were squeals of joy coming from our Prep and Year 1 students as they saw each other and their teachers again. No doubt there were some mums who also appreciated the...
From the Principal

Quality Speaks Gently, Stands Strongly

When we produce or engage with something of quality there is the moment where we pause and allow its full depth to flow over us. Quality opens minds and doors to greater possibility. Having a habit of always striving for quality in what we do,...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

I have been continually impressed by the way parents, students and staff have engaged with learning and supported wellbeing, whether at home or at school. There has been a lot of creativity and commitment as people have worked together to provide...
From the Principal

Always Space for Play and Humour

The first thing that I opened in my inbox this morning was an email from a good friend that had me laughing. It prompted me to think how important it is to build play and humour into our days. Whether young or old, those moments of fun reset us...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Many of you may have heard or read commentary in the media earlier this week about the latest announcement from the Australian Government. Essentially the Federal Government has offered to bring forward the payment of the usual Independent Schools...
From the Principal


It will be a little different as we remember the service of our Defence Personnel and their families this year. Rather than being part of large physical groups, we will have the opportunity to stand on our driveways and balconies at dawn and be part...
From the Principal