Pacific Early Learning

Welcome to Pacific Lutheran Early Learning

Focused on growing a love of learning through providing a nurturing environment where children's curiosity leads them to discovery, Pacific Lutheran Early Learning provides a strong foundation for children prior to their entry to school. Families enjoy growing with their children in a supportive learning community founded on Christian values.

Co-located on the campus of Pacific Lutheran College and operated in partnership with the Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Service, Pacific Lutheran Early Learning offers kindergarten within a long day model. 

All staff have qualifications and experience above that required by legislation and are part of a caring and dedicated professional team.


Parents As Partners in Community

Our highly qualified and very experienced educators respect the pivotal role of families in children's lives and work in close partnership with parents to support and facilitate each child's learning and development. We encourage the interest and involvement of families to share in, contribute to and feel part of their child's experience.

College Connections

Our Early Learning children are very much part of the Pacific Foundation College and enjoy time with older students in a cross over buddy program. They also have access to all College facilities, including the library, art, music and sporting facilities. Use of these facilities provide rich experiences and helps them become familiar with the college setting. This then enables children to transition comfortably into their first year of formal schooling.

Click here to download the Booking and Fee Agreement Form.

Click here to download the Waitlist Application Form.

Click here to download information on Fee Statements and Payments.

For further information and bookings phone Ms Hayley Davis on 5436 7377.