From the Principal

Learning and Growing Through Different Circumstances

One of the great gifts we give young people is the ability to learn through both challenges and success. Shifting focus from the result of an action to what have you learnt, creates an important opportunity for young people to develop confidence and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Welcome to the start of Term 4 and a particular welcome to a number of new students and families who have started with us this term. We look forward to growing with all members of our community over the remainder of this year. We wish our Year 12...
From the Principal

Spring, A Time To Refresh and Rejuvenate

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Flowers bloom, lawns and plants gain a burst of energy and birds sing earlier and louder. We have the privilege of living in a beautiful part of the world where we are surrounded by the vibrancy of nature on...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 and Year 7/8 Maths teams who performed very well in the recent regional Sunshine Coast Queensland Association of Maths Teachers Competition. The Year 5/6 team of Nathan Russell, Carter Boland and Amelie Bradley won...
From the Principal

Empathy At Our Core

Being able to walk in the shoes of others before we speak or act is an important life quality. Stephen Covey, in his ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, encourages people to seek first to understand. Empathy enables us to slow down and consider...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

As student’s receive feedback on their progress, it is important that they move from an emotional response to one of learning. Reflecting on what went well is an important first step. Breaking the feedback into actions that need to be taken and...
From the Principal

Celebrating Our Dads

The special role that men play as fathers within their families and community is a great gift that goes on for a lifetime. Through every interaction that we have, ways of being are acted and learnt. Ordinary times of being together and playing...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It is good to see young people engaging in the full rhythm of school with students participating in early morning and afternoon music ensemble practices, sports training and matches as well as engaging in a variety of other activities and...
From the Principal

Caring For Others As A Way of Being

One of the most powerful stories in the Bible is that of the Good Samaritan. Learning to care for others is an important part of life and enhances our wellbeing. The development of empathy and compassion is at the heart of care. It starts with...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

The Athletics Carnivals at the end of last week were a tremendous success. Students exhibited great spirit and sportsmanship as they participated in differently shaped carnivals. With single year levels moving from event to event, there were high...
From the Principal