Hope - An Engine For Life

Hope - An Engine For Life

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Hope provides the engine for life. Research has shown that hope is the key to good health, having purpose in life and experiencing success in academic and athletic performance. Hope gives us the energy to persist in difficult times and to live life more freely. Hope is more than optimism. Hope is a deep emotion that motivates, sustains relationships and enables us to live in an open and trusting way. Hopeful people build capacity in themselves and others. Hope generates joy, generosity, patience and gratefulness. Hope is active and can be cultivated and nourished. 

Hope draws deeply from within. It is enriched through faith in a loving and gracious God who is there for us and with us. Being still in God’s presence and praying for guidance and strength opens our inner self to the light of hope and possibility. Refreshed by God’s love, we can begin anew, hopefilled.

Palmer L (2014), Growing Hope retrieved 29th April 2021 https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/articles/2014/05/28/growing-hope.