Walking Builds Relationships

Walking Builds Relationships

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Walking with friends or members of our family helps to strengthen relationships. When we are walking alongside someone there is greater opportunity for bubbles of conversation to flow. Walking helps to gain perspective as thoughts are untangled. Journeying slowly provides time for the distillation of thoughts and the ice to be broken. It says we value spending time together. Being open to the new, even on well worn paths, creates opportunity for discovery in the environment and in the people and places we encounter. Shared observations and experiences on walks become part of our family or friendship story. 

Jesus often walked and talked with His disciples. There was great learning in the journeying as questions and observations flowed. Taking time to walk with family and friends deepens relationships. There are many famous walks such as the Camino de Santiago in Spain where people take the time to walk with God and each other. Taking an intentional walk in our local area where we talk with God and notice the beauty and uniqueness in His creation can be equally enlivening as we free our minds to focus on what is good.
