3 steps to retrain your mind for more constructive thoughts: The mind is biased toward negative thoughts, but it is possible to reframe thoughts in a more positive, yet still truthful way. The first step toward changing thoughts is noticing how...
SPECIAL REPORT: Sextortion - what you need to know
Posted on
28 Jul, 2022
You may not be familiar with the term, but ‘sextortion' is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share intimate images of you unless you give in to their demands. It has been an issue for more than a decade, with many adults falling victim...
Extraordinary moments often masquerade as ordinary life. So, look around the pandemonium and remind yourself to be grateful for every minute you get to spend with your children as they grow. These years pass more quickly than we can imagine, and...
Young people are being influenced by the language around them. It is becoming more common for them to hear derogatory terms or offensive language on the streets, on social media channels, streaming services and in some forms of modern music...
EMERALD offers you personalised coaching and high-quality learning modules that arm you with strategies proven by the latest science to support wellbeing. Through EMERALD you gain support from experts at USC's Thompson Institute, whose mission is to...
A psychologist says these 7 skills separate successful kids from ‘the ones who struggle’—and how parents can teach them
Posted on
16 Jun, 2022
Thrivers are made, not born. Children need safe, loving, and structured childhoods, but they also need autonomy, competence, and agency to flourish. After combing through piles of research on traits most highly correlated to optimising kids’...
Unfortunately, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. As many families settle back into pre-COVID routines, there seems to be a pervasive sense of optimism about what lies ahead. Unfortunately, children...
Kids are Hardwired to be Negative...You can change that!
Posted on
02 Jun, 2022
Overcoming negativity in children is possible if you understand why humans are naturally negative, it is easier to make kids naturally more positive – this article contains 6 tips that will help. Kids are hardwired to be negative. We all are. Back...
In the past few years, there has been an explosion in books and courses about happiness. Brain science has progressed more in the past decade than in the previous hundred years, allowing us to understand the biological bases of human emotion...
Research conducted by Carol Dweck, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, and a leading researcher in the field of achievement and success, discovered that a person's mindset can influence their behavior. When it comes to parenting,...