Food for Thought

How to give children feedback for improvement

It can be tempting to allow children to continue to behave badly or to perform chores, homework or sports practice poorly when they argue or resist feedback. Parents need to be part coach, teacher and counsellor so that children learn how to behave...
Food for Thought

Does gratitude reduce stress?

People who are grateful feel less pain, less stress, suffer insomnia less, have stronger immune systems, experience healthier relationships, and do better academically and professionally. Overall, it can boost both your mental and your physical...
Food for Thought

5 Ways to Increase your Emotional Flexibility

Being able to “ go with the flow ” and be flexible in your thinking is a necessary skill for dealing with life’s inevitable changes. This is a trait that helps us adjust more easily to new circumstances, challenges and situations as they arise...
Food for Thought

What does childhood anxiety look like? Probably not what you think.

A 7-year-old is the perfect student but destroys his bedroom and screams at his siblings after school. A 10-year-old snaps at her mother constantly, criticising just about everything she does. An 8-year-old cries every morning before school and...
Food for Thought

Taking Some ‘Me Time’ is Important, and it Also Helps Strengthen Your Mental Wellbeing

Your mental wellbeing is the unique way that you handle your emotions, respond to stress and also your general outlook on life. Having a healthy sense of mental wellbeing has many benefits. It lifts your mood, promotes resilience in difficult...
Food for Thought

This Month on SchoolTV - Raising Girls

Raising girls in today’s modern world can be a difficult path for parents and carers to navigate. These days, girls are transitioning to puberty a lot earlier than they used to and the physical, psychological and emotional changes they experience...
Food for Thought

Teens and Screens

It’s important to maintain a balance between screen time and physical activity to ensure your teen is in the best physical and mental health they can be. The mental effects of too much screen time include everything from social isolation, mood...
Food for Thought

Parenting Triggers

Understanding your parenting triggers and dealing with the emotions underneath, can help parents problem-solve instead of losing their cool. Here are six of the most common parenting triggers and tips on how to deal with them: click here . Mrs Annie...
Food for Thought

Building Resilience

The most important job any of us will ever have is raising our children. We parents embrace this opportunity with joy, but also worry. Often parents focus on two questions: “What is the best way to raise a wonderful human?” We want to prepare our...
Food for Thought

Building Resilience

The most important job any of us will ever have is raising our children. We parents embrace this opportunity with joy, but also worry. Often parents focus on two questions: “What is the best way to raise a wonderful human?” We want to prepare our...
Food for Thought