Food for Thought

Kids are Hardwired to be Negative… You Can Change That!

Overcoming negativity in children is possible. If you understand why humans are naturally negative, it is easier to make kids naturally more positive. This article contains tips that will help.
Food for Thought

How to Raise a Socially Intelligent Child

Your child lives in a very complicated social world. This has always been true for children: all parents can remember their own tears or rage at the cruelty of another child; all parents can remember wanting desperately to be accepted and approved...
Food for Thought

Managing Overwhelm

Due to the pandemic, recent world events in the Ukraine and the impacts of the floods in Queensland and NSW, the world we now live in is a very different place. The hyperconnected nature of our current environment means that we are constantly being...
Food for Thought

This Month on School TV – ‘Understanding Adolescence’

Adolescence is the transitional stage of development that is usually associated with the teenage years. In 2018, the Australian Curriculum Assessment Authority redefined adolescence as affecting young people aged between 10-24 years. During this...
Food for Thought

30 Ways To Stay Connected With Your Teen

Parents of teenagers frequently tell me that they no longer know how to connect with their children. Here are 30 ways to build trust, understanding, appreciation and affection with your teen! Click on the link below for more information. Click on...
Food for Thought

School Transitions

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means that the...
Food for Thought

Back to School: A psychologist's tips to ease the journey

The school gate farewell can be as emotional for parents and carers as it is children. While some families sail through the transition to school with all parties excited and enthusiastic, others have reluctance, anxiety, or floods of tears as the...
Food for Thought

How to Teach Children about their Feelings

Children who understand their emotions are less likely to act out by using temper tantrums, aggression, and defiance to express themselves. A child who can say, “I’m mad at you,” is less likely to hit. And a child who can say, “that hurts my...
Food for Thought

Peaceful Parenting Examples Age 7-11

Regulate Your Own Emotions Kids learn to manage their emotions when their parents’ model how it's done. Connect with Your Child From tantrums to texting, the secret of happy parenting is a close relationship with your child. Without that connection...
Food for Thought

Signs of Grief in Children

When a child grieves the loss of a loved one, you might not even realise that they're grieving. Kids process and display complex emotions differently than adults. However, that doesn’t mean the grief is not happening and that your child isn’t...
Food for Thought