Kids are Hardwired to be Negative...You can change that!

Kids are Hardwired to be Negative...You can change that!

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Overcoming negativity in children is possible if you understand why humans are naturally negative, it is easier to make kids naturally more positive – this article contains 6 tips that will help.

Kids are hardwired to be negative. We all are. Back in our early evolution, there was so much detail and information in our environment that we focused on the negatives…the threats. No point focusing on the beauty of a sunset only to be mauled by a sabre-tooth tiger while you’re at it. It was a case of survival of the most negative.

This attention to negative details is what psychologists call, the negativity bias. It has helped determine the success of our species, but it has also helped lead to the epidemic of negative talk, depression, and doom fatigue that we experience in the 21st century. For tips that will help, click on the link below.

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
