From the Principal

Deep Connections Have Enhanced Agency

One of the great strengths at Pacific is the very strong partnerships and connections that exist between College Council, staff, students and parents. This year has been a very good year where we have celebrated the growth in our young people, staff...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Our community enjoyed the opportunity to join with our Year 12 students of 2021 and their families as they celebrated their Graduation, Farewell Chapel and Formal. The dignity, warmth, gratitude, energy and sense of joy at each of these occasions...
From the Principal

Congratulations and Farewell 2021 Graduates

It is an exciting time as we congratulate and thank our 2021 graduates. Each of them has formed strong connections with others and with their learning. They have grown as people and contributed to the shaping of other’s lives and ways of being...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

As we engage in a range of celebrations at the end of the year, there is a sense of joy as we recognise how much young people have grown. This week parents, grandparents and staff had the pleasure of listening to our Year 3 and 4 Strings and our...
From the Principal

We Will Remember Them

As we commemorate Remembrance Day, we remember the sacrifice of all those who have and continue to serve in the defence forces to protect our freedom. There is an increasing understanding of the significant short, and long-term impacts experienced...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

At our Middle and Senior College and Junior College Chapels this week, we have paused to reflect on the sacrifices made by our Defence Personnel as part of our commemoration activities. Staff and students paid their respects by wearing red poppies...
From the Principal

2022 School Fees

The College Council has approved the 2022 fee schedule. There will be a general increase of $45 - $70 per term in the tuition fee across all year levels. This increase was arrived at after careful consideration of the current context, expected wage...
From the Principal

Being Self Aware

One of the key personal competencies is to be self-aware. When we are self-aware we are more able to see things from the perspective of others, practice self-control, make better decisions, work creatively and productively and have better...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It was good to have our Year 9s return to school this week after completing their 10-day outdoor education experience. The Year 9s and staff are to be commended on the way they adapted to the changing circumstances that arose as programs had to be...
From the Principal

Being Part of Community Caught More Than Taught

Lives and community are greatly enriched by people giving of their time to enhance the lives of others. As young people walk alongside adults who give of their time, to mentor them and support different activities, they not only benefit from those...
From the Principal