From the Principal

We Will Remember Them

It was heartening to see and be able to take part in ANZAC Day commemorations again this year. Through these commemorations, we paused and reflected on the service and sacrifices that our defence personnel and their families have made to enable us...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Over this past week, we have taken part in the Caloundra RSL ANZAC Day March and commemorative services here at the College. Through these events staff, students, and their families have shown their respect and appreciation for the sacrifices made...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We welcome everyone to the start of a new term and hope that you all had some time over the Easter break to rest and rejuvenate. We extend a particularly warm welcome to our new families and students and trust that all are enriched as we grow...
From the Principal

Finding Peace

Many of us will have a favourite peace place, where we are able to re-centre and recharge. For many, it may involve being in nature and doing things like walking along the beach or amongst trees, gardening, or being in the surf. Slowing down and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

This term has been one where together we have navigated a range of changing circumstances. Staff have worked hard to ensure that students have had the opportunity to engage with high-quality learning and co-curricular experiences. Parents have been...
From the Principal

Servant Leaders Inspire Hope

Leaders who are focused outward and intent on serving the needs of their community inspire hope. There is an openness and generosity to the connections made. There is belief and a deep desire in supporting and encouraging others to understand and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There has been a strong tradition of servant leadership among our staff, parents, and students. This week, Mrs Jenny Lee (Chair of Friends of Pacific) and Harrison Dines (past student) were recognised at the Sunshine Coast Citizen of the Year...
From the Principal

Celebrating Our Multi-Culturalism

Respecting and valuing people from different cultural backgrounds enhances our lives. We are enriched by exploring different ways of thinking, different cuisines, and different customs and beliefs. Australia has benefitted greatly from the diversity...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

As a lead into Harmony Week next week, we will be focusing on Pacific As A Peace Place this Friday. P-5 students will have a casual clothes day where they will be encouraged to wear orange to celebrate the upcoming National Harmony Week and Year 4-...
From the Principal

Learning When and How To Say No

One of the important life skills for people to develop is the ability to discern when to say no. It is easy to flow along with the crowd and get caught up in a situation without having fully thought through the impact that choices might have on the...
From the Principal