Welcome – As A Desired Guest
Welcome – As A Desired Guest
The word “welcome” is derived from an old English word that means desired guest. As we welcome each other into the start of a new year we come as desired guests into each other’s lives. As desired guests, we extend hospitality to one another and are attentive to each other’s strengths and needs. We come together to act with Purpose, Engagement, and Co-Agency to fully grow our gifts and talents so that we are well-equipped to make a difference for people and for the environment.
We come together as a capable and committed learning community, blessed by God who walks with us and enables us. God welcomes us into relationship with Him as much desired guests, always attentive to our needs and guiding us to use our gifts and talents for good purpose. May God strengthen our engagement and enhance our co-agency as we grow together to live purpose-filled lives throughout this year and beyond.