From the Principal

Being Before Doing

As we wake each morning, our minds can quickly switch into the list of things that await us on a new day. Slowing our minds by taking time to notice the beauty in the people and the world around us can help us to be more human beings than “human...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Congratulations to our Year 5 to 10 teams who enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the da Vinci Decathlon online tournament last week. The competition provides the opportunity for highly able students to expand their thinking, build team skills...
From the Principal

Valuing The Human Dignity of All

When we value the human dignity of all, our world view changes. We see ourselves as together with, rather than separate from. We recognise the common humanity of people. Having this as a central value changes how we engage with people within our...
From the Principal

Finding The Joy

In a Prep interview this week, as adults we were reflecting on the challenges that the rainy weather had brought. When the Pre-Prep child was asked whether they enjoyed playing inside or outside when it was not raining, they enthusiastically...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Dracula for an outstanding performance. Talented performances and direction enabled the balance between the tension of dramatic events and lighter moments of this iconic drama to flow powerfully. Well done to...
From the Principal

Appreciating the Generosity That Surrounds Us

A personal challenge could be to reflect each day on those people who have given generously to us. At Pacific, we are immersed in a culture where people continuously give generously to each other. Our parents volunteer to lead and support community...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

A very large thank you to everyone who gave their time and talents to make our Open Day on Sunday such a successful event. The warmth of welcome, generosity of spirit, enthusiasm, and excitement of sharing the richness of learning and growth at the...
From the Principal

Connecting As Community On Open Day

Sunday May 15 th 12.30pm-3.30pm Open Day provides an opportunity for new and continuing parents to learn more about the next phase of their children’s learning journey. Families will have the opportunity to speak with teachers and students, learn...
From the Principal

Coming As Guests Into Each Other’s Lives

As we come together, there is the encouragement to come as guests into each other’s lives. When we come as guests there is a strong sense of hospitality where we provide space and time to grow understanding and relationships. There is gracious...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be participating in NAPLAN online next week. Staff have spent time with students to ensure that they are ready to make this transition to online testing. Parents of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 are encouraged to read the...
From the Principal