Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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It has been great to be able to come together as community throughout this week as we have engaged in our Middle College, Year 11 and P-5 Information evenings. Parents enhanced their agency to support their children’s learning as they learnt about the communication processes through NAV and the College’s website, developed greater insights into the learning and pastoral care approaches of the College and connected with classroom teachers. Middle College and P-5 parents enjoyed the opportunity to connect over refreshments provided by our talented and generous hospitality team. We thank all of our staff who supported these events so capably and our parent community for embracing the opportunity to connect and support the growth of quality learning in your children and the community.

A strong theme this year is to enhance the opportunity for parents to connect with community and contribute to the ongoing enhancement of experience for our young people within their families and the broader Pacific community. The Friends of Pacific provides valuable opportunities for connection and growth.  Parents are strongly encouraged to consider joining the Friends of Pacific which will meet for its AGM on 21st February. Nominations for office positions are currently open.

Our students have also enjoyed the opportunity to connect across year levels as Year 12 and Year 2 buddies connected together earlier this week.  There was an air of anticipation and delight as buddies were introduced to each other.  The Year 2 students presented their Year 12 buddy with a card and their Senior badge and jersey.  This connection highlights the role that our current Seniors will play in shaping our community for the future. When our 2022 graduates return for their 10-year reunion our Year 2 students will be in Year 12 carrying on the tradition of strong student influence and contribution.

The Year 3-6 students participated with great enthusiasm in their swimming carnival earlier this week.  The carnival was well supported by parents who braved the heat to encourage their children.  Thank you to Mr Darren Hooper and Mrs Lisa Muir for their organisation and leadership, to the staff and volunteers for their running of the carnival and to our parents for their support.  Well done to all of the swimmers and to Buran House who won the Spirit Award and Wira House for winning the carnival.

We look forward to welcoming our Year 8 students back from camp this Friday after a week of growing in their personal skills, understanding of themselves and their relationships with each other, the environment and God through their outdoor education experiences.

We pray that God continues to support us to reach out and provide welcome and connection to people within and beyond our community.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
