Congratulations to our Graduates of 2022

Congratulations to our Graduates of 2022

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This week at our Scholars Assembly we recognised the graduates of 2022 who achieved excellence in their academic results. The Honourable Mr Jarrod Bleijie and the Dux of 2021 Noah Beasley joined parents, students and staff in the celebration. We congratulated 2022 Dux Noah Winten on his achievement of 99.90 and Proxime Accessit Jasmine Groves on her achievement of 98.85.  In the cohort of 76 students, 82% were eligible for an ATAR score and we were delighted to celebrate with the 23% of these students who achieved ATAR scores above 90 and those students who were awarded top of subject.

We were grateful to have representatives from the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University and Sunshine Coast University present scholarship awards. We congratulate Noah Winten on being awarded a University of Queensland Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship, Charles Box the Corporate Partners in Excellence Scholarship at Queensland University of Technology, Liam Russell a Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship with Griffith University and Jasmine Groves and Samantha Hutton The Thompson Excellence Scholarship at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

We were then inspired by a speech from the Dux of 2021, Noah Beasley. We are very proud of the achievement of these students but more of who they have become and are becoming as young men and women.  We wish all of the graduates of 2022 every blessing for the future.
