From the Principal

Principal's Log

Thank you to our staff, students and parents who have moved so quickly and effectively into home learning. The students are to be congratulated on the way they have engaged with the home learning environment so readily. We appreciate the support...
From the Principal

Congratulations Kaylee! 100m Women’s Backstroke Gold

It has been thrilling for our community to watch 2018 graduate, Kaylee McKeown achieve Olympic Gold and an Olympic record in the 100m women’s backstroke final after years of hard work. Her belief, courage, persistence and humility strengthened by...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It has been exciting to be part of a community that has celebrated the success of a member of our community with great enthusiasm. The roar and cheering in the gym and the excitement around the College as the week progressed from the semi-final, to...
From the Principal

Seeing and Encouraging Best Selves

In some cultures, people greet each other by saying “I see you”. What a great welcome and gift. “I see you”. To really see someone means we let go of assumptions and really listen with our eyes, ears and hearts. We see each person as a whole person...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

This week we have celebrated the leadership that our young people bring into the community. With parents present, the Year 5 students ran their own Leadership Presentation Ceremony where they reflected what leadership meant and then presented each...
From the Principal

Open for Learning

It is interesting to clench your fist and then to open your hands and feel the difference in mindset that this brings. Entering into each new moment with hands open, creates opportunity for connections to be made and learning to occur. The simple...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We welcome everyone to the start of a new term. A particularly warm welcome to new students, their families and new staff. We welcome Mrs Lara Masselos and Mr Paul Brace who will respectively be teaching Visual Art and Media, Health and Physical...
From the Principal

Rest and Rejuvenation

Rest is important for us on a daily and weekly basis, and for extended periods throughout the year. Ensuring we get enough sleep and find ways to relax and connect with people and nature on a regular basis, helps us to live life in the best possible...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

At the end of a busy semester, we can reflect on the tremendous growth that has occurred. For students and staff there has been opportunity for rich learning in the classroom, on the sports field and through engagement with cultural pursuits...
From the Principal

Keeping the Main Game, the Main Game

In the busyness of life, it is easy to get caught up in moving from activity to activity and lose sight of the big pillars or the central goals in our lives. At the end of the COVID lock down last year many people reflected that while they missed...
From the Principal