Food for Thought

Helping Our Young People Find Their Own Solutions

As parents and educators, one of our most important roles is guiding young people toward becoming independent thinkers and problem-solvers. While it's natural to want to step in and solve problems for our children, it is far more valuable to empower...
Food for Thought

The Power of Strengths: Why Recognising Our Strengths Matter

Each of us has unique strengths- qualities, skills, and talents that shape who we are. Recognising and embracing our strengths is an essential part of self-understanding and personal growth. It not only helps us navigate challenges but also boosts...
Food for Thought

Nurturing Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Our School Community

Life can be busy and stressful, and it’s important for all of us - students, parents, and school staff- to take care of our mental and emotional health. Everyone faces challenges at times, whether it’s school stress, work pressure, or family...
Food for Thought

The Importance of Downtime at the Start of the School Term

As the new school term begins, it is natural to focus on schedules, assignments, and extracurricular activities. However, it is equally important to emphasise the value of downtime for our children. In the hustle and bustle of the academic year,...
Food for Thought

Counselling and Student Support in 2025

We hope that you all have enjoyed a restful and recharging holiday break. It was so great this week to chat with students about their holiday adventures and experiences, as well as their hopes and goals for the 2025 school year. Our counselling team...
Food for Thought

Movember – The Last Call

As the month of the moustache draws to a close, this is a final request for you to dig deep and support this amazing cause. The Movember Foundation raises millions of dollars each year that all goes directly into improving men’s health and men’s...
Food for Thought

Movember – It’s time to dig deep

Firstly, a massive thank you to those within our PLC community who have already generously donated to our Movember team. It is such a great cause, and we appreciate any support that our families can offer. This year we have 5 of our staff embracing...
Food for Thought

Staff Supporting Movember 2024: Growing Moustaches and Walking for a Cause

As part of this year’s Movember campaign, several of our dedicated staff members are taking on challenges to raise awareness for men’s health issues; particularly mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Whether they’re growing a...
Food for Thought

Empowering Our Young People: The Importance of Trusting Their Choices

As our young people transition into adolescence, one of the most impactful gifts we can give them is our trust. Allowing them to make their own choices not only fosters independence but also equips them with essential life skills. In a world filled...
Food for Thought

Understanding Motivation: Empowering Our Children to Thrive

Understanding what motivates our children can significantly impact their academic success and overall well-being. Motivation is a complex interplay of various factors and recognising that different individuals are driven by different things can help...
Food for Thought