From the Principal

Principal's Log

On Friday of this week, we conduct our Pacific As A Peace Place audit, where students across Years 3-12 are invited to reflect on pastoral care and support processes within the College. This audit also presents students with the opportunity to...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Respect for the human dignity of all people is a core value at Pacific. Having respectful relationships means we are able to sit with each other, listen and come to a better way forward, which can often be a third way. Pausing to consider how each...
From the Principal

Respectful Relationships at the Heart

As we look forward to celebrating International Women’s Day it is a great opportunity to reinforce the message of the importance of respectful relationships. Whether in our families, friendship groups, community groups or workplaces, respectful...
From the Principal

Finding Purpose In The Everyday

Purpose is grown through the why and how we do things rather than the what we do. When we bring a strong desire to grow our gifts and talents and use our time to benefit others, a strong sense of purpose grows through all that we do. Purpose is...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Every week and every day I am conscious of the generosity of spirit and genuine desire on the part of staff, students, parents and College Council to make a difference for our young people and for people within and beyond our community. We are very...
From the Principal

Purpose, the Compass For Discernment

Growing in our capacity to discern and make wise choices links strongly to our sense of purpose. To be discerning means we are able to think beyond our own needs and wants. We are able to suspend judgment, see things from a whole and others'...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Having a heart for service, provides purpose and direction for our learning and actions. We are blessed to be in a community filled with College Council members, staff, students and parents with strong servant hearts. Over the weekend a strong...
From the Principal

Ash Wednesday, A Mark of God’s Grace

Ash Wednesday is an important part of the Christian calendar that we share together within our community. As we place ashes on our foreheads we are reminded of our common humanity and need for God’s grace. The ashes remind us of our need for God’s...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There was tremendous energy and joy as our music students enjoyed the opportunity to come together at this year’s music camp. The camp gave students the opportunity to strengthen relationships as they grew their talents as musicians. It is exciting...
From the Principal

Nurturing The Joy of Creativity Through Productive Struggle

We grow our capacity to think creatively as we engage in the productive struggle to learn or to produce something new. As we learned to ride a bike, we had to overcome challenges, learn through mistake making and problem solving as we tried...
From the Principal