From the Principal

Caring For Our Neighbours

When we think about caring for our neighbours we may consider those who live close to us or those who belong to the same group and share the same views or background. Thinking more broadly we can see everyone who shares this planet as our neighbour...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

OCEANfest ‘One World’ provided a great opportunity for us to relax and have fun together with people within and beyond our community. It was an amazing evening filled with smiles, laughter and connection. We thank everyone for their support. We...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There is an air of excitement as we prepare for OCEANfest, this Friday 18 th August from 3pm. Staff, parents and students have given very generously to bring OCEANfest to life. We look forward to the Welcome to Country at 3.30pm from Kabi Kabi elder...
From the Principal

Lighting Up Through the Generosity of Heart

As we prepare for the upcoming OCEANfest, look forward to finals within our netball and Pacific FC, head towards mock exams for our seniors, engage in learning within the classroom, engage in sport, music, dance or outdoor education activities,...
From the Principal

The Seeds We Leave

Every interaction we have has the potential to plant a seed in the heart or mind of the person with whom we have contact. We can all think of teachers, parents, family members, coaches, adults or peers who have encouraged or stimulated growth as we...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

Our ‘One World’ OCEANFest 2023 is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to having a lot of fun as we celebrate the richness of our cultural diversity and natural environment on Friday, August 18 th . We will have the opportunity to connect...
From the Principal

Building, One Step At A Time

As we build on feedback, it is important to take a long-term view and plan for improvement one step at a time. As we plan for and take each step and celebrate its achievement, we gain momentum. Encouraging each other to build from where we find...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

This week families in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will have or be receiving their individual NAPLAN reports through the post and will have received an explanatory email from either Mrs Jo Belchamber or Mrs Sue Zweck. In their email, Mrs Zweck and Mrs...
From the Principal

Feeding The Heart

Many of us are familiar with the Cherokee story of the grandfather telling his grandson about the two wolves that fight within us. As the story goes, within each person there are two wolves fighting. One wolf is focused on anger, sorrow, regret,...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We are excited to launch our new Strategic Plan 2023-2026 in this year’s Compass Review. When we look to the future, the importance of young people being thoughtful, highly skilled and having the capability to flexibly and confidently exert their...
From the Principal