From the Principal

Principal's Log

We welcome everyone to the start of the new term and in particular our new students and their families. We also extend a special welcome to Ms Alisha Bausch (Middle and Senior College Maths and Science), Ms Sarah Tolhurst (Middle and Senior College...
From the Principal

Travelling Light

Having the ability to travel light and well is a real skill. Many of us will have had the experience of having to climb stairs with baggage where we wished we had packed a little less. At those times, we often notice those who have packed smaller...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It was good to witness the joy and sense of common purpose between a group of our Year 7 Pacific Plus students and members of the St Mark’s congregation at the assembly on Tuesday. The students presented the St Mark’s group with baskets containing...
From the Principal

Walking With

As part of a caring family, friendship group and community there are many times when we simply need to walk with and be present for each other. As we walk, we are attentive to the needs of the other person and share the journey. We are there to...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

We were excited to learn that four of our Future Problem Solving teams and three individual students have been selected to attend the National Finals in Brisbane this year. We congratulate all students who participated in this year’s Future Problem...
From the Principal

Celebrating Our Men and Fathers

Men play critical roles as fathers and mentors in the growth of children and in the growth of community. Engaged men and dads help children to be secure, and confident in their surroundings, develop good social connections, and play an important...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

The very special place that men play in our community was very evident this morning as over 450 people joined us for breakfast to celebrate our Dads and the men of our community. There was tremendous energy as men took the opportunity to connect and...
From the Principal

Summer Uniform

From the Principal

Caring For Our Neighbours

When we think about caring for our neighbours we may consider those who live close to us or those who belong to the same group and share the same views or background. Thinking more broadly we can see everyone who shares this planet as our neighbour...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

OCEANfest ‘One World’ provided a great opportunity for us to relax and have fun together with people within and beyond our community. It was an amazing evening filled with smiles, laughter and connection. We thank everyone for their support. We...
From the Principal