Purpose, the Compass For Discernment

Purpose, the Compass For Discernment

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Growing in our capacity to discern and make wise choices links strongly to our sense of purpose. To be discerning means we are able to think beyond our own needs and wants. We are able to suspend judgment, see things from a whole and others' perspectives, and are able to think through the impact of our decisions and actions on ourselves and others. When we are discerning, we are able to move to greater complexity and depth and are self-aware. We can identify the assumptions, biases and ways of thinking brought into a context. As we discern, we search for truth and the important. We bring humility, empathy and compassion into our decision making. We are deeply aware of our beliefs and values and the beliefs and values of others. To be discerning involves head, heart and soul. We have greater capacity to be discerning where we see our purpose is to use our God given talents in service to people and the planet.

God created us in his image, as an interdependent part of his amazing creation. He gave us the gifts of wonder, curiosity and creativity and encourages us to grow in our discernment through being in relationship with Him. As we explore the world and His Word, we are invited to do so with a sense of wonder and awe, humility, compassion, creativity and to grow in our discernment. We understand our privilege and purpose, to grow our God given talents to care for and with, to improve life for people and the planet. Living with faith in a loving and gracious God who equips and empowers us to live with a heart for service provides a strong compass where discernment can grow.
