From the Principal

Principal's Log

Year 9 students and their families had the opportunity to begin thinking about their next steps in building towards future careers at Tuesday night’s subject selection evening. Students heard about the importance of engaging with the whole of...
From the Principal

Staying Motivated For The Long Haul

As we start a term, a new fitness regime or working towards a new goal, motivation can be high. A key to maintaining motivation for the long term is to keep in the optimal challenge zone. Research has shown that we like to be engaged in activities...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Pacific was one of 12 independent schools invited to present at the Independent Schools Queensland Curriculum Innovation Ideas Exchange Final Showcase earlier this week. We shared our learnings in the implementation of the underwater drone project...
From the Principal

Getting Started Warms Up Motivation

Motivation grows through making a start. Like a cold engine, our motivation grows as we engage in an activity. Establishing simple routines that lead into an action, sees us getting into an activity without thinking. Getting up in the morning and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We welcome everyone to the start of Term 3 including our new students and their families who are joining us this term. We also welcome Mrs Elizabeth Suzuki previously Head of Japanese at Sunshine Coast Grammar School as a Japanese teacher, Mr...
From the Principal

Choose Joy

Every day we have a choice about whether we focus on the good things we have in life or the worries about the past or the future. Our opportunity to experience joy is often crowded by our mind’s anxious chatter. Each day we have a choice to focus on...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Last Friday night our musicians celebrated the end of semester with their Ensembles Concert. Students, parents and staff commented that it was a highly entertaining evening where the continuing growth of our musicians was showcased. Congratulations...
From the Principal

Home: A Safe and Welcome Space

There can be many different places and even people with whom and where we feel at home. These places and people provide a sense of safety, welcome and warmth. We can create a sense of home through the way we interact with people and celebrate the...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

This week on assembly we welcomed 2018 graduate Kaylee McKeown home, as we celebrated her achievements. In recognition of Olympic Day this Sunday and Kaylee’s achievements at last year’s Youth Olympics, Kaylee was presented with an Olympic Flag,...
From the Principal

Encouraging Grit

Possessing grit is one of the key determining factors for success. Learning through disappointment and keeping eyes set on long term goals are important habits of mind to develop. People with grit have the emotional stamina to keep going when others...
From the Principal