From the Principal

Principal's Log

It has been great to see the community’s response to the Red Shield Appeal so far. Through these small gifts we can make a difference to many people in our local community. The Pacific community plays a very key role in enabling the Salvation Army...
From the Principal

Acting Out of Love For Others

Having a love for people and the environment enables us to act out of compassion and care. There is humility and a willingness for self-sacrifice. It brings a gentler, more long-term perspective to the way we think and act. When we focus on how we...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Throughout last week as we commemorated ANZAC Day within the College and in the broader community, there was a strong focus on serving others and a recognition of the sacrifices that others had made for us. Again, on Sunday at our Open Day, staff,...
From the Principal

We Remember Them

It is heartening to see people of all ages pause to remember and respect the sacrifices made by past and present defence personnel and their families. Messages from past students Captain Jacob Frahn at our Middle and Senior College ANZAC Service and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Welcome to the start of Term 2 and particularly new students and their families. We also welcome Mr Rhys Hurren who comes to us from St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace as a Middle and Senior College Humanities and English teacher while Mrs Elley...
From the Principal

Forgiveness at the Heart of Renewal

Living fully is being able to let go of burdens of the past and fears of the future. In the adventure of life, we bump up against people and experiences, we feel delight and disappointment and there is loss and gain. Turning over our experiences...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There was considerable energy and joy at the Junior and Middle College discos last Friday night. The Year 9 and 12 leaders and disc jockey Brendan West set a great atmosphere for both groups. We thank Brendan and the student leaders, the Friends of...
From the Principal

Learning Through Feedback

Being able to respond effectively to feedback requires us to be able switch down our emotional response. Questions such as ‘what can be learnt here’, ‘what needs to be learnt’ and ‘what are my next steps’ help us to focus our thinking on action. It...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We congratulate our Speech and Drama students and their tutor, Mrs Lisa McKibben, on their growth over the last year. This was highlighted by all 26 students achieving either a Merit or Honours on their practical Speech and Drama exams at the end of...
From the Principal

Harmony Day - Celebrating Diversity

As we participate in Harmony Day this week, we celebrate the cultural diversity of our country. All of us benefit from the richness of culture that comes from the mix of Indigenous people and people from across the world who, at various times...
From the Principal