Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Last week as we farewelled our Year 12s there was a strong feeling of mutual appreciation. Heartfelt thanks flowed from them for what they had received and to them for what they had given to this community. The warmth and dignity that permeated their celebrations that included farewells from their Year 2 buddies and pastoral care groups and then the graduation, final chapel and formal was a wonderful testament to who they had become as young men and women within our community. We thank the Year 12 graduates for all they have given this community and wish them every blessing. We thank all staff, students and parents who have contributed so much to the growth of these young people over many years. A very large thank you to all who contributed to such a special farewell for our Year 12s and particularly Mr Mark Hauser and Mrs Leanne Bevis for their leadership.

As a community we benefit greatly from the work of our Friends of Pacific team. We thank in particular Mrs Jenny Lee for her outstanding leadership, and Mrs Allyson Sarvari and Mrs Erin Carter for their contributions as executive members this year. We appreciate the contribution that outgoing treasurer Mrs Penni Buchanan has made over the past three years and the very significant role that Mrs Teena Thompson has played as our OCEANfest coordinator. We thank Mrs Lisa Ackerman for her support as an executive member over the past two years. We look forward to working together with the incoming committee and thank them for their preparedness to serve our community in this way.

Year 9 students left Wednesday morning for their 10 day experience at Mt Binga. All reports are that they are enjoying their time together and we thank Mr Ben Ryan and Immanuel staff for their leadership.

It was a pleasure to watch a spirited soccer grand final between the Intermediate boys’ teams of Pacific and Matthew Flinders. There was considerable skill on display, with the crowd applauding some very deft moves. In a tightly contested and enthralling match, Matthew Flinders won 2-1. Our boys can be very proud of their game and their season. Thank you to coach Mr Josh Danzey for his leadership of the team.

We thank Mr Ed Bettega for his many years as an instrumental teacher at our College which had included support of ensemble groups and productions. We wish him every blessing for the future.

We thank God for the many people of our community who give so generously of themselves and their time to benefit others.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
