Food for Thought

Being 14

Is your daughter 14? Are you struggling to know what's going on inside her head? Are you worried? This is the book that can help you understand how she's feeling, what she's thinking and what you need to do to help her navigate her tricky teens to...
Food for Thought

Fathering Daughters

A father’s influence lasts a lifetime and it is an important compliment to the mothering role. Research continues to confirm that a female’s sense of worth is commonly rooted in her experience with her father. Fathers affect the lives of their...
Food for Thought


In the new documentary ‘Screenagers’, children can’t resist the pull of electronic devices and parents don’t know what to do about it. Sound familiar? Did you know that the part of the brain responsible for things such as planning, decision-making...
Food for Thought

Being Emotionally Available

In the past 20 or so years, parenting has become a significant focus on our society. We have discovered just how important it is that we get it ‘right’. The effects of our parenting are substantial and long lasting. The emotional security of...
Food for Thought

10 Ways to Raise Extraordinary Human Beings

Parenting is certainly one of the most rewarding aspects of life, but it is also one that requires great skill and finesse to do successfully. If we are able to raise great children, we are going to establish the foundation for a great future. Here...
Food for Thought

Mental Health – Tips for Teenagers

It is not uncommon for parents to wonder whether their child is acting like a normal teenager or behaving differently due to mental illness, drug use or behavioral difficulties. Normal teenagers are often moody due to hormonal and physical changes...
Food for Thought

Seven rules for digital technology that every parent should know

Digital technology is here to stay. It connects us to each other in ways we couldn’t imagine even a decade ago. It enables us to communicate to our children when we don’t know where they are. It creates new interests and cultivates creativity...
Food for Thought

Regulating Our Emotions

The brain is like a muscle; it strengthens throughout life, depending on how it's used. Parents who are emotionally responsive, set empathic limits, model emotional regulation and encourage children to pursue their passions will raise self-...
Food for Thought

Growing Children Into Leaders

The way parents raise their children has a massive impact on their leadership potential. Throughout history, it has been proven countless times that anyone can learn to be a leader. As a parent, you will play a huge part in whether your child is a...
Food for Thought

Getting Children to School on Time

Feeling stressed on school mornings is normal but easily avoidable. The following link provides strategies on how to stay (mostly) calm, collected and in control:
Food for Thought