Food for Thought

Snap Map

Snap Map has attracted a lot of media attention as the location-based aspect means that a user can choose to share their location with others. Because there are so many young people using the app this potential sharing is a cause for concern for...
Food for Thought

Teach Kids not the Jump to Conclusions

Slowing down your thinking and avoiding jumping to conclusions is a great resilience skill that can be improved with practice. As a parent, you can model this type of thinking, reciting the possibilities out loud so your kids can see how it’s done...
Food for Thought

Being Emotionally Available

In the past 20 or so years, parenting has become a significant focus on our society. We have discovered just how important it is that we get it ‘right’. The effects of or parenting are substantial, and long lasting. We affect our children, their...
Food for Thought

The Resilience Project App

This app is from Hugh van Cuylenburg who was quoted in last week’s article on ‘How to raise resilient children.’ The Resilience Project app is a daily well-being journal. Each day users will be prompted to identify their emotions, record moments of...
Food for Thought

Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness

Parents, please watch Hugh van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project, who visited India and noted that children living in third world conditions were full of joy and made comparisons to Australian children's wellbeing. Hugh later studied a...
Food for Thought

Moody Kids: How to Respond to Pouting, Whining and Sulking

Pouting, sulking and whining are three of the most annoying ways that kids communicate their displeasure, anger or frustration with a situation. This behaviour is not just limited to young children, either—teens do it because they haven’t always...
Food for Thought

Do Your Kids Respect You? 9 Ways to Change Their Attitude

We often forget that children aren’t born with a built-in sense of respect for others. While each child has a different personality, all children need to be taught to be respectful. From birth, children learn to manipulate their world to get their...
Food for Thought

This is Your Child's Brain on Video Games

PARENTS PLEASE READ Learning this information can literally change the course of your child’s life, it also will help you as a parent to make informed and mindful screen...
Food for Thought

This Month on SchoolTV - Body Image

Kids today are more obsessed with their body image than those in past generations. This is partially influenced by the media and their social connectivity. Encouraging kids to have a healthy body image in childhood, can lay the foundations for good...
Food for Thought

Protect Young Minds: The 8 Best Questions to Ask When your Child Has Seen Pornography

It’s one of many parent’s worst fears. Unfortunately, this is the digital challenge that many parents are facing today. Even if your child is not actively looking for pornography, it is possible to be exposed while doing online research for an...
Food for Thought