Food for Thought

Understanding Children’s Development

Understanding what our children are wrestling with and the developmental goals they are working towards will make their more ‘frustrating’ behaviours easier to deal with. Things will run smoother if we can give them the space and support they need...
Food for Thought

Negativity and the Brain

How do we help our children achieve the optimum balance between negativity and positivity? How do we help them become positive thinkers? For more information, visit: . Mrs Annie...
Food for Thought

The Science of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can create real value in your life and help you build skills that last much longer than a smile. Learn more at: https://www.huffingtonpost...
Food for Thought

Raising Motivated Kids

Many parents assume that it’s good to praise children’s abilities because it boosts their confidence and self-esteem , which in turn paves the way to success. However, a growing body of research suggests that praising children for their ability can...
Food for Thought

Surviving School Exams and Stress

Academic pressure can get the best of students if they don’t learn how to deal with it properly. Some helpful tips for students include: Take time to plan Look after yourself Rest when you need to Stay focused Ask for help For more information,...
Food for Thought

Rules for Digital Devices

Digital technology is now an integral part of our lives. As parents it is best to look at our own digital habits to make sure we are providing our children with what they need. This is, the provision of balanced role models who know when to use and...
Food for Thought

Tools to Help You Stay Calm with Your Child

The important thing to remember is that all emotions are acceptable, but not all behaviors are. When we don’t accept our own emotions, we act them out with our children and our family members in unhealthy ways. 
Learn more at: http://www...
Food for Thought

Do Family Meals Really Make a Difference?

Research shows many physical, mental and emotional benefits of having regular family meals together. Some of the specific benefits include: Better academic performance; Higher self-esteem; Greater sense of resilience; Lower risk of substance abuse;...
Food for Thought

School Holiday Activities

The holidays do not need to be scheduled from dawn to dusk with every minute accounted for. Ask children for their input, you may be surprised by their ideas! Create a list and stick it on the fridge. Then when you hear the dreaded “I’m bored”, you...
Food for Thought

Authoritative Parents

Parents must have a strong sense of their moral authority – their right to be respected and obeyed. The authoritative parent “explains reasons behind demands, encourages give and take and sets standards and enforces them firmly”. Research has found...
Food for Thought