From the Director of Students

Year 6 Leadership Process

I am excited to hear the enthusiasm of aspiring student leaders in Year 6 applying for a 2022 Year 6 Leaders badge across the seven Pacific Action Groups. These Pacific Actions Groups promote and instigate student led initiatives across P-12, in the...
From the Director of Students

Year 9 Leadership Applicants

This week Year 9 students commenced interviews with Heads of House for Year 9 Leadership positions across the four Houses. As these students continue this process, I emphasise how important it is that all Year 9 students have a role and...
From the Director of Students

Bring on 2022!

There was a buzz of energy as students were welcomed back to the College on Monday 7th February. New and returning students were greeted at the 3-12 drop off area by our 2022 College Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains and Vice House Captains,...
From the Director of Students

Welcome to Pacific from the 2022 College Captains and Vice-Captains

With such an unusual start to the school year, I share in the 2022 College Captains and Vice Captains’ anticipation of welcoming new and returning students and staff back onto campus on Monday 7th February. Our hope is for another positive and...
From the Director of Students

Agents of Change

A fortnight ago I wrote about change within the context of being comfortable with the uncomfortable and being able to accept change as an everyday part of life. You may recall the New Ways November calendar which I shared. I wonder how many of us...
From the Director of Students

Change is good

I wonder how familiar our Pacific community is with the following statement, ‘a change is as good as a holiday’? Growing up as a small child, I must confess I displayed a sense of caution when confronted with anything new or unfamiliar. However, I...
From the Director of Students

Modelling the Role

It should be no surprise that young children will often, if not always, model adult behaviours, whether this be through their actions, words, body language, or even appearance. Whilst this revelation is not ground-breaking, it is important to...
From the Director of Students

Every Child Needs a Champion

A warm welcome back for the commencement of Term 4. I hope that returning families have enjoyed the opportunities to rest and recharge as we prepare for the final term of year. I also especially hope that for new families, we as a College, have made...
From the Director of Students

R U Really OK?

Thursday 9th September is a day when as a nation we ask the question to one another, R U OK? Importantly the day is designed to be one of raising awareness of the importance of how a conversation could change a life. Likewise, it is a reminder that...
From the Director of Students

Adapting to Change

I think it would be fair to say that a lot can happen in a week. Reflecting on the past seven days, I have experienced a range of emotions and moods. Joy, wonder, disappointed, awe, tired, calm, grateful, proud, and optimistic are just some of the...
From the Director of Students