From the Director of Students

Prioritising Senior Student’s Study Skills

In Senior Personal Development lessons, a priority focus is on developing students’ study skills, time management, developing a growth mindset, memory, mnemonics, approach to exams, and the capacity to maintain their overall wellbeing, including...
From the Director of Students

Year 12 and Year 2 Teddy Bear Buddy Connection Activity

On Thursday 31st March, Year 12 and Year 2 students experienced their first of many buddy connection activities for the year. Students were able to connect using their personal teddy bears as a way of getting to know each other. Over the course of...
From the Director of Students

Installation of Year 12 Leaders

This week the College community came together to celebrate the installation of our Year 12 College Captains, Pacific Action Group Captains and House Captains. The service was a wonderful way of acknowledging the leadership that has already been...
From the Director of Students

Pacific as a Peace Place Survey and Enhancing Student Wellbeing Project

During assembly this week, Dr. Dolling and I introduced this year’s Pacific as a Peace Place Survey for Middle and Senior College students. This survey consists of a variety of workshops designed for students to explore how PLC can enhance student...
From the Director of Students

Pacific Action Groups take charge! – Save the Dates

Senior Academic Trivia Afternoon - Monday 7th March With the easing of some COVID restrictions at Pacific, the Pacific Action Groups (PAGs) have already made the most of this window of bringing student community together to celebrate, compete and...
From the Director of Students

What Is In And What Is Out Of My Control?

This week’s bible passage, Matthew 6:34 provides certainty for us all in a world which at times, can seems so uncertain. When working with students who are feeling emotions of uncertainty or worry, I will often draw for them two circles within each...
From the Director of Students

Year 6 Leadership Process

I am excited to hear the enthusiasm of aspiring student leaders in Year 6 applying for a 2022 Year 6 Leaders badge across the seven Pacific Action Groups. These Pacific Actions Groups promote and instigate student led initiatives across P-12, in the...
From the Director of Students

Year 9 Leadership Applicants

This week Year 9 students commenced interviews with Heads of House for Year 9 Leadership positions across the four Houses. As these students continue this process, I emphasise how important it is that all Year 9 students have a role and...
From the Director of Students

Bring on 2022!

There was a buzz of energy as students were welcomed back to the College on Monday 7th February. New and returning students were greeted at the 3-12 drop off area by our 2022 College Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains and Vice House Captains,...
From the Director of Students

Welcome to Pacific from the 2022 College Captains and Vice-Captains

With such an unusual start to the school year, I share in the 2022 College Captains and Vice Captains’ anticipation of welcoming new and returning students and staff back onto campus on Monday 7th February. Our hope is for another positive and...
From the Director of Students