From the Director of Students

“Every little helps”¹

Having lived and taught for the best part of ten years in the United Kingdom over a decade ago, you’d be not too far off the mark in thinking that my lasting memory were the bitterly cold winters that I experienced. However, it is the slogan of...
From the Director of Students

Parents are Angels

I am confident that the title of my article will evoke a range of emotions for you as individuals regardless of your age, gender, or life experiences. Luther is credited with stating, “ When God wants to speak with us, he does not avail himself of...
From the Director of Students

We Remember

I extend a warm welcome back to all families as we commence Term 2. I would especially like to welcome the new students and their families who have joined our community since the end of Term 1. I hope this is the start of a fantastic journey as we...
From the Director of Students

Every Day Is A Day To Act

Last Friday as a College, we acknowledged and supported the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Importantly, we need to take a stand against bullying behaviour every day. This year there was a focus on promoting the role of being...
From the Director of Students

An Honest Place

Earlier this week at assembly I asked the Middle and Senior College students to identify the pace they were operating at, now we are seven weeks into Term 1. I asked them to consider the pace at which they were working within their year group, their...
From the Director of Students


This week we installed our Year 6 and 9 Student Leaders. It is always a privilege to work with young people who have demonstrated courage in putting themselves forward to serve their community. I am sure that when asked to list the qualities of a...
From the Director of Students

Swinging Into Action

I hope that all students have felt positive about the start of the academic year. I also hope that all families have felt supported as new learning begins for their child in a climate of academic care. It has been a busy few weeks and you would be...
From the Director of Students

For the Greater Good

I extend a warm welcome to all families as we commence the academic year. It is especially delightful to welcome all new students and their families as they join the Pacific Lutheran College community. It will be a pleasure to get to know you all as...
From the Director of Students

Pastoral Care Groups (PCGs)

We return to a vertical pastoral care structure this year. Your child’s PCG teacher will be their first point of contact at the start of each morning and before they leave in the afternoon. The PCG teacher is a touchstone for families across a range...
From the Director of Students

High Expectations, High Support

Whilst this week may have proved slightly challenging for students as they reverted to setting alarms and getting into routines, it is important that as a community we are setting high expectations early on and maintaining these throughout the year...
From the Director of Students