From the Director of Students

Motivation and Engagement

Last week I was fortunate to hear from Professor Andrew Martin who was speaking at a seminar on the topic of Enhancing Student Motivation, Engagement and Achievement. His address focused on the pathways to personal potential. An internationally...
From the Director of Students

Holding Their Attention

There is simply not enough space in this article to document every single event, production, activity, opportunity, subject pathway, club, experience or creative lesson that has either occurred or is offered at Pacific Lutheran College. The range of...
From the Director of Students

Connecting with Nature

A warm welcome back to the start of Term 3. We hope that all members of the Pacific community enjoyed time with family and friends over the break and that students had the chance to recharge in preparation for the term ahead. We welcome back the 20...
From the Director of Students

Food for the Soul

I am regularly reminded of how privileged we are to work with such talented students (and staff) at Pacific. The other day I was grateful to hear the Year 6 students and their music teachers, Mrs Helen Williams, Mr Steven Lake, Mrs Aleisha Tuaine...
From the Director of Students

It's Cool to Read

I must confess, the arrival of winter has caught me by surprise! Whilst reading for pleasure is not bound by the seasons, it is perhaps in winter that a good book becomes my companion when it is too cool to venture outside. This makes me wonder how...
From the Director of Students

What Sustains You?

It would have been seemingly impossible to have escaped the political campaigning that has finally ended after five weeks. The theatrical displays, curated speeches and continued push for a particular policy or position ended last Saturday evening...
From the Director of Students

God Bless the Salvo's

I am not sure William and Catherine Booth, founders of the Salvation Army in late 19th century London, would have thought that in 2019 nearly 900 representatives of Brisbane’s business sector would be launching this year’s Red Shield Appeal...
From the Director of Students

Lifelong Service

We welcome all members of the Pacific community back for Term 2 and hope that our students are suitably refreshed and energized to give of themselves in the various domains of College life in making a positive difference. We live in a world that has...
From the Director of Students

What does it all mean?

What is the meaning of life? It would be fair to say that for millennia, human beings have pondered this question and attempted to answer it. It’s fair to say that everyone who has pondered this question would come up with a unique response...
From the Director of Students

Student Volunteers - Open Day

Years 6-12 students are encouraged to volunteer as tour guides for the College’s upcoming Open Day on Sunday 28 th April (12.30pm – 3.30pm). The student tours are an important component of our Open Day program and are a highlight for many visiting...
From the Director of Students