From the Director of Students

Restorative Processes

When people of all ages work closely together as they do in schools, mistakes and conflicts are inevitable. At Pacific, we use Restorative Processes to create a culture where forgiveness and empathy are valued over punishment and retribution. The...
From the Director of Students

Year 6 Canberra Tour

Year 6 students recently spoke at assembly, sharing their experiences from the Canberra Tour earlier this term. Following is what Eamon Mahoney, Tamara Zoltar and Elyse McFadyen shared: “On Thursday 12 th October, the Year 6 group visited the...
From the Director of Students

Emotional Intelligence – Decision Making

I recall reading an article in which President Obama stated that he only wore blue or grey suits. His reason for doing this was that he did not want to make simple decisions about what he was wearing. As President, he felt he had too many other more...
From the Director of Students

Welcome to Term 4

As we start the final term of the school year, it is worth taking time to reflect on what is at the core of our Pastoral Care program. That is, the loving presence of God. Getting in touch with something bigger than ourselves is critical to deal...
From the Director of Students


Relationships with People the Focus have always been a key part of how we approach Pastoral Care at Pacific. Relationships are a key part of PERMA too: To develop a more compassionate, friendly relationship with ourselves and others; Learn to spot...
From the Director of Students

Care at Pacific

At Pacific, care in education has been a central aim from the beginning. As a school, we see care as a non-judgemental attitude, which extends in a number of directions: self, others, our environment and so on. Care is linked closely with empathy,...
From the Director of Students

Celebrating Dads’ Breakfast

Members of our community are invited to start their Father’s Day celebrations early with our annual Celebrating Dads’ Breakfast next Friday 1 st September. Enjoy student performances and delicious food prepared by our Hospitality students and staff...
From the Director of Students

Growing Character Strengths at Pacific

In offices and classrooms at Pacific, there are posters describing character strengths for a flourishing life. Reflecting on character strengths dates back to Ancient Greece, when Aristotle wrote about them in Nicomachean Ethics. Character strengths...
From the Director of Students

Making Flow Happen

In PERMA, one of the key areas of engagement is flow and at the Year 7-12 Athletics Carnival this week, I saw a number of students experiencing this. Ilona Boniwell is a leading UK psychologist and educational consult. She has published a very...
From the Director of Students

Japan Trip 2017

Pacific aims to grow students into international citizens who have a global view for the future. As the world tackles environmental and other global issues, we must work together in a coherent, compassionate and united way. At assembly this week,...
From the Director of Students