From the Director of Students

Year 6 Tree Planting

On Tuesday this week, the Year 6 students and staff worked with the Sunshine Coast Council to plant 300 trees in the Kawana Forest area. The positive way students engaged in the task and their genuine concern for the environment was really...
From the Director of Students

Thank You

As this is my last newsletter article of the year, I would like to thank the Pastoral Care team of Miss Kim Stone, Pastor Tim Jarick, Mr David Druery, Mrs Melissa Evans, Mrs Leigh Drogemuller and Dr Peter McMahon for all their hard work this year...
From the Director of Students

Year 6 Canberra Tour

Last week at the Middle College Assembly, some Year 6 students presented a wonderful description of their visit to Canberra. When the Year 6 students were told the places we would be visiting in Canberra, I thought the Royal Australian Mint would be...
From the Director of Students

Reminders for Middle/Senior Parents and Students

Middle/Senior College parents are asked to please check their child’s uniform, particularly formal hats as a number of clearly named formal hats have been misplaced. We fully understand how easy it is for students to pick up someone else’s hat by...
From the Director of Students

PERMA – Accomplishments

This term, as part of our focus on PERMA, we are looking at Accomplishments. The connection between accomplishment and flourishing is very clear when we consider how an experience of achievement can empower our sense of self. In other words,...
From the Director of Students

Welcome to Term 4

At the end of last term, an audit was completed to identify the main reasons students were receiving MIBs. With the start of the new term, it is an opportune time to address these issues. The main areas of concern are: Students wearing their sports...
From the Director of Students

Parents Building Emotional Intelligence in their Children

In her book on Building Emotional Intelligence, Linda Lantieri discusses John Gottman’s research that encourages parents to become an emotional coach for their children. This means that parents use opportunities presented by difficult or hurtful...
From the Director of Students

Positive Relationships

This term in PERMA, we have been focusing on Positive Relationships. Professor Roy Baumeister argues that the key dimension in understanding the human mind is that it is social; it is designed to work with others. According to Professor Baumeister,...
From the Director of Students


One of the key core aims of Positive Education is for individual students to flourish. Flourish has become a key term in pastoral discussions at Pacific. In meetings, we have been using the definition of flourish as one of greater wellbeing, a...
From the Director of Students

Year 9 Camp

This week, the Year 9 students returned from their camp after a very positive experience. Thank you to the Rite Journey team of Dr Peter McMahon, Mrs Toni Fisher and Mr Duncan McNee for their leadership of the camp. Following, Year 9 students Joseph...
From the Director of Students