PERMA – Accomplishments

PERMA – Accomplishments

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This term, as part of our focus on PERMA, we are looking at Accomplishments. The connection between accomplishment and flourishing is very clear when we consider how an experience of achievement can empower our sense of self. In other words, performing a task successfully reinforces our self confidence and self esteem, which also builds interest, motivation and engagement.

In order to accomplish at school, it is important for students to set clear goals. This can be done individually, in groups or in discussions with teaching staff. Specifying what we are trying to achieve makes it more likely to come true. At Pacific, our Teaching for Understanding approach helps students to set and reflect on learning goals.

Many recent studies on accomplishment also show the importance of character strengths such as grit, which involves working strenuously towards challenges and maintaining effort and interest despite failure, adversity and plateaus in progress (Peterson and Park 2009). “The gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina” (Duckworth 2007).

This term, PCGs have been asked to reflect on some key questions around accomplishments. Student leaders will share some of their responses at future assemblies. The key questions for both individuals and student groups are:

  • What goals have we set ourselves?
  • What action did we take to try and reach our goals?
  • What part did willpower and determination play in helping us achieve goals?
  • Why is optimism and hope important in achieving goals?
  • What does perseverance mean?
  • What can we learn from setbacks?
  • How can we learn from failure?
  • What have we accomplished with regard to positivity in our lives and relationships?
  • How should we celebrate our accomplishments?

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students