From the Director of Students

What does it all mean?

What is the meaning of life? It would be fair to say that for millennia, human beings have pondered this question and attempted to answer it. It’s fair to say that everyone who has pondered this question would come up with a unique response...
From the Director of Students

Student Volunteers - Open Day

Years 6-12 students are encouraged to volunteer as tour guides for the College’s upcoming Open Day on Sunday 28 th April (12.30pm – 3.30pm). The student tours are an important component of our Open Day program and are a highlight for many visiting...
From the Director of Students

United We Stand

Human beings are naturally social creatures. Tribe, village, community, society, band and club, are just some of the words that conjure images of people interacting together in a variety of ways. Likewise, a school may be viewed as a microcosm of...
From the Director of Students

Gratitude Is An Attitude

‘Count your blessings’ is a phrase that was used quite often when I was growing up. I must confess though, I cannot recall deep diving into this task or more importantly, I don’t recall the adults in my life asking me exactly how many blessings I...
From the Director of Students

Middle College Leaders

Earlier this term at Assembly, we installed the new Year 6 and 9 Leaders for 2019. At Pacific, leadership gives students the opportunity to grow their communication and interpersonal skills and is very much a service model that aims to influence and...
From the Director of Students

The First Follower

A couple of years ago I was shown a YouTube clip that demonstrated in under three minutes just how powerful a first follower can be when joining a leader. The narrator of this clip stresses the importance of the first follower in providing the...
From the Director of Students

Comfort Zone

There was a palpable energy emanating from the students as they arrived back on Tuesday after a well-deserved break over the summer. It was evident that there were many stories to share between friends and staff as they caught up in their Pastoral...
From the Director of Students


Gratitude can be thought of as a form of positive thinking that links us to others beyond the self. Gratitude by its nature is profoundly interpersonal and requires interaction with others. It involves us in a particular kind of relationship with...
From the Director of Students

Restorative Practices

Margaret Thorsborne, a Restorative Practices consultant worked with our Pastoral Care Team last Friday. The meeting was a follow up to the work Margaret did with the whole College teaching team earlier in the year. At Pacific, one of our core values...
From the Director of Students

Wellbeing for Students

On the 13th of October a group of parents, students and staff met during the Strategic Planning Day to discuss where to in the next four years for wellbeing and formation. Firstly, I would like to thank all the participants for their time, deep...
From the Director of Students