God Bless the Salvo's

God Bless the Salvo's

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I am not sure William and Catherine Booth, founders of the Salvation Army in late 19th century London, would have thought that in 2019 nearly 900 representatives of Brisbane’s business sector would be launching this year’s Red Shield Appeal. Moreover, I suggest that they could not have imagined the $100,000 donation that the Queensland Government gifted the Salvation Army to kickstart the Red Shield Appeal. However, it is perhaps Ben Harrison whom the Booth’s may have had the most connection with and admiration for, had they been present. You see Ben Harrison is not a renowned speaker, nor a famous member of the business community. He is not a highly paid actor nor a major sporting superstar. He is neither a wealthy musician nor a highly published author. Ben Harrison is a former homeless person, who has had to deal with the demons of alcoholism, drug addiction and poor mental health. Indeed, Ben had lost his job, family and through attempting suicide, nearly his life. According to Ben, he wouldn’t be here had it not been for the Salvation Army.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) during the 2016 census, a reported 116,427 people were classified as homeless (www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/2049.0). Worryingly, this is an increase from five years earlier. Australia has long been referred to as the lucky country, however, for many, it would appear not to be so. Thankfully the commitment to support the work of the Salvation Army has never been stronger at Pacific. There is an equal importance in highlighting to our young ones just how fortunate and lucky they are alongside the need to raise much needed funds and donations. Through positive action our students and wider community are demonstrating what it means to act with a keen sense of social justice and be advocates for others.

We desire that a Lutheran education develops a moral compass within students that allows them to navigate a path so that they may act appropriately to social justice issues. St Mary MacKillop once said, “Never see a need without doing something about it”. As a Pacific community we have the opportunity to do something about the plight of those less fortunate to offer them a sense of hope. Families are invited to donate non-perishable food and personal items to the College before the 24th May as well as take part in the Red Shield Door Knock Appeal that will take place on Sunday 26th May. Details of both these initiatives were emailed home to families last week. God Bless the Salvo’s.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students