From the Director of Students

A Call to Purposeful Action and Being a Blessing to Others

In a world often driven by material wealth and possessions, the words of Jesus in Luke 12:13-21 stand as a timeless reminder: “one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possession.” At the heart of this passage lies a profound message about...
From the Director of Students

Keeping Students Safe

Middle and Senior College Students and Mobile Phone and Earbud Use Pacific’s E-Smart Policy recognises the educational potential of mobile phones as powerful learning tool. In Years 6-12, teachers may incorporate mobile phones and use of earbuds/...
From the Director of Students

Farewelling 2023 Year 12 Graduates

This week holds a special place for our College community as we take the time to informally and formally farewell the 2023 Year 12 Graduates. Their final week as Pacific students was filled with many memorable moments and meaningful experiences...
From the Director of Students

Collective Action

6-11 Students and Staff Rally for Cancer Research Raising $4000 through the Cancer Council Ponytail Project Our PLC community is renowned for its student leadership and agency in actioning meaningful change. This week, students across P-11 came...
From the Director of Students

Year 12 Prepare for External Examinations

Over the past fortnight, Year 12 students have had the opportunity to study from home and access their Year 12 teachers through face-to-face tutorials in preparation for their External Examinations, commencing Monday 23 rd October, Week 4. It is an...
From the Director of Students

Enhancing Pastoral Care: Introduction of the 8th PCG in 2024

Pacific is committed to the crucial role that Pastoral Care plays in fostering a nurturing and supportive environment for its students. To further enhance the quality of pastoral support and guidance provided for students, specifically across Years...
From the Director of Students

Year 6 and Year 9 Peer Mentoring and Pastoral Care Group Experiences

Peer Mentoring at Pacific plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational journey of our students, fostering a sense of community, and providing support in their individual and academic growth. This week, our Year 9 students commenced their journey...
From the Director of Students


Year 11 Examinations and Beating Exam Jitters Year 11 students commenced their examinations this week, completing Essential Maths, General Maths, Math Methods, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Next week, Year 11 students will complete...
From the Director of Students

2024 Student Leadership and Opportunities to Serve Our Community

It has been wonderful to see an overwhelmingly positive number of Year 11 students apply for a range of 2024 leadership positions, including College Captain, Action Captain and House Captain. Over the past week, applicants have engaged in an...
From the Director of Students

Setting Goals and Taking Care

Celebrating Academic Excellence and Endeavour This week, the College recognised and celebrated Year 6-12 students who achieved Academic Excellence and Endeavour across their subject areas, reflected in their Semester One Report Cards. As a College...
From the Director of Students