Year 11 Commence their Leadership Journey

Year 11 Commence their Leadership Journey

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Last Wednesday 20th July, the Year 11 cohort participated in the Lutheran Youth Queensland Leadership Day, focusing on the theme of Intentional Influence and its key aim of students engaging with the statement “Leadership is a relationship, not a position”.  Throughout the day, students explored and discussed the concept of Alpha Leadership and identified that everyone in their cohort is a leader. Individually, students established foundational values which will allow them to fulfil their leadership potential.

Year 11 student applications for 2023 leadership positions including College Captains and Vice Captains; Pacific Action Group Captain in the areas of Academic, Culture, Environmental, Pastoral Care, Spirituality and Service, Sport, Technology; House Captains and House Vice Captains are due on Friday 29th July and are to be handed in to Reception in the Main Administration building.

I pray that each applicant enjoys this process and uses the opportunity to learn more about their God-given strengths and capabilities. 

God bless. 

Ms Leigh Finter, Director of Students (Acting)