The Drama Department, along with our chosen cast of 30 talented students, are very excited to present this iconic, much loved play based on the now famous novel by Harper Lee. Renowned for its warmth and humour, the play touches hearts, despite...
To support students academically, the college will continue Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12. These tutorials are on Monday afternoons and are in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet...
To support students academically, the college will continue Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12. These tutorials are on Monday afternoons and are in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet...
Last week, approximately 750 students from 78 Sunshine Coast schools ventured to Lake Kawana Community Centre to participate in the annual Mathematics Tournament. Pacific entered teams of five students, from Years 6-12, who participated in three...
To support students academically, the college will continue Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12. These tutorials are on Monday afternoons and are in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet...
Miss Karlee Hutchinson’s strings students gave a most enjoyable and excellent concert on Wednesday 4 th November. All students executed their prepared pieces with confidence, skill and musicianship. The Junior and Senior Ensembles played with...
Year 11 student, Annemieka Brown, has been awarded ‘Student of the Year’ at the Sunshine Coast Technical Trade Training Centre’s (SCTTTC) 2015 HIA Regional Awards Night last week. Students across the coast were nominated for the award and had to...
Last Sunday, two teams of excited Year 6 and 7 students, the Pacific Pirates and the Pacific Professors, travelled to Grace Lutheran College to participate in the First Lego League (FLL) tournament. This year, the tournament at Grace had over 40...
Last Sunday, two teams of excited Year 6 and 7 students, the Pacific Pirates and the Pacific Professors, travelled to Grace Lutheran College to participate in the First Lego League (FLL) tournament. This year, the tournament at Grace had over 40...