From the Principal

Principal's Log

It has been very good to feel, see and hear the great start to the school year. Young people have very quickly settled into purposeful learning and it has been great to feel their energy during class and at break times. We have also had a number of...
From the Principal


Optimising our potential across all dimensions of life involves having a growth-oriented approach to life. Consider the fixed nature of the mindset we bring to these three statements; I can’t do mathematics, I can’t write, Mary is impossible to get...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Welcome to the start of the 2016 school year. We welcome over 140 new students and their families. For the first time this year we have four Year 6 classes, three Year 2 classes and three Prep classes. We look forward to a year of deep growth...
From the Principal

What If Christmas Didn't Come From A Store?

This well-known Dr Seuss line prompts us to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. We all gain enormous pleasure from giving gifts and Christmas is a special time where we come together with families and friends to give to one another. But have...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There was a very warm feeling around the college as we farewelled our Year 12 students through their graduation service, final chapel and walk from the college and their formal on Friday night. In her article, Miss Kim Stone has highlighted the...
From the Principal

What Would Be Your Thesis For The Future?

As part of the celebration of the 500 th year anniversary of the reformation in 2017, students from countries of every continent across the world have been invited to compile their list of a set of theses as hopes for the future. Established as part...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

A strong focus of the 500 Protestant Schools – One World project’s second conference, held in Wittenberg over the past week, was the creation of global connections and partnerships between schools. Representatives from countries such as Sudan,...
From the Principal

Learning, A Treasure For Life

Teaching is a hope filled profession. As we celebrate World Teacher’s Day in Queensland this Friday, we recognise the impact that teachers and schools have on young people’s lives and society as a whole. Learning is one of the joys of life. Good...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Staff, students and parents warmly welcomed our grandparents to the college for Grandparents Day last Friday. Everyone enjoyed a thought filled chapel presented by Class 2D and Pastor Ray Morris. Children and grandparents delighted in creating...
From the Principal

Focusing the Freedom

Imagine if we bought a pair of sunglasses where the reflective surface was on the inside. We would quickly become frustrated with only being able to see ourselves. Yet strangely, this is often how we live our lives. Our thoughts are focused on how I...
From the Principal