From the Principal

Learning Through Testing

Over this past week and into next week, young people will receive feedback about their tests. It is important that the focus is on ‘what can be learnt’ rather than ‘what result was received’. Where testing is seen as an important feedback process...
From the Principal

Principals Log

Earlier this week, our Year 12 students completed full practices for their QCS test. The QCS test, which includes a writing task, a short response item paper and two multiple choice papers, assesses skills and knowledge that students acquire over...
From the Principal

Keeping the Balance

There are two ways we can frame our expectations within our relationships, families and communities. Language is a subtle and powerful tool in the shaping of our relationships. It can promote growth and engagement or restrict it. In all...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Over the weekend, the College joined with the St Mark’s congregation to host the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District Synod. Together, the Pacific community and St Mark’s congregation were very welcoming hosts. It is a delight to be part...
From the Principal

The way at Pacific

In a community there is a way of doing things that guides us in our actions and thinking. It is where we see the deeply held values at play. For us as a Lutheran school, the values of love, hope, compassion, courage, justice, quality, appreciation,...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It was a delight to be able to relax in beautiful surrounds, amid good company as we enjoyed the food prepared and served by the Year 12 Hospitality students at The Boat Shed restaurant earlier this week. The evening provided a unique opportunity...
From the Principal

Engaging Through Appreciation

We grow the best in others by highlighting the good that they bring into our lives. Small acts of expressing our appreciation include respecting the time that people give to us, seeing the good that has been done and being particular in the way we...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

This Sunday, Middle and Senior College students will be collecting for the Salvation Army as part of the Red Shield Appeal. Over the past fortnight, College families have also donated food and other items so that they can better support those in...
From the Principal

Appreciation - Focus on Excellent Things

We all experience moments of wonder and appreciation when we gaze upon the beauty of a magnificent sunrise or sunset, the purity of an athlete’s move when they kick the goal, the artist’s brushstroke on a canvas or the last swirl on a beautifully...
From the Principal

Appreciation Overcomes Frustration

Stilling our minds to see and focus on what is good provides the space for constructive ways forward. Appreciating what we have, lifts our perspective. It gives us energy and insight. In difficult circumstances stepping back and asking what is good...
From the Principal