From the Principal

Engagement Through Being Just

People flourish where there is a feeling of safety and justice. We grow the culture of justice by living in this way for others rather than fiercely focusing on what we perceive as just for ourselves. A key part of justice is having the capacity to...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Over the last week staff, students and families have been invited to participate in the Lutheran Education Australia Quality Schools Survey via email. One third of families and students across Years 5 to 12 have been invited to provide their...
From the Principal

Purpose Through Service

We find our deepest purpose when we are using our strengths in service of others. As we come together in community, it is the joining of many strengths that enriches us all. As a community, we provide space for strengths to be nurtured and grow. We...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

The perfect weather conditions on Friday evening added to the ambience as we enjoyed jazz performances from soloists, duets and the Pacific Jazz Ensemble. As the moon rose, we enjoyed a range of food professionally prepared and served by our...
From the Principal

We Remember Them

As we commemorate Anzac Day this weekend, we remember all those who have made sacrifices to preserve our way of life through involvement in and with the armed services. We remember those who have and are engaged in operational service and their...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There was vibrancy in the air as we welcomed new families on Open Day last Sunday. Thank you to parents, staff and students for the very significant contributions you made in preparation for and in the leading of this day. At the risk of omitting...
From the Principal

Open Day 2016

Pacific has continued to evolve in supporting young people’s growth and development. At the heart of this has been the increasing personalisation of learning, building capacity to grow deeper understandings independently and collaboratively and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It is a delight to welcome staff, students and parents to the start of Term 2. In particular, we welcome new students and their families. We welcome back Mr Gary Graves and Ms Sharon Dean from long service leave and new teachers Mr Brian Ashley (...
From the Principal

Centring Rest

As the term draws to a close we are looking forward to a change of routine and the opportunity for rest and refreshment. Easter provides the opportunity for us to stop, reflect and re-centre as we connect with friends and family and engage in...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

We have seen tremendous growth in our young people this term. The Junior and Middle College Parent Conferences provided an important opportunity for student learning to be celebrated and for young people to identify the next steps to deepen their...
From the Principal