From the Head of Senior Students

'Teddy Time'

This week, Teddy Bears visited the College for an introduction to Pacific. The Year 2 and Year 12 students are invited to bring along a teddy bear and their lunch (as normal) for a teddy bear's picnic on Thursday 30 th March, from 1.00pm to 1.30pm...
From the Head of Senior Students

Pacific Lutheran Alumni

Are you a past student of Pacific Lutheran College? We are interested in hearing from and connecting with past students for our upcoming Compass Review publication. If you are able to contribute, please email sscarl...
From the Head of Senior Students

Year 12 Leadership Luncheon

The College student leadership team decided to bring house, school and action group captains together to complete a personality test that they had previously completed on the Enthuse Leadership Camp. Last week the leadership team facilitated a...
From the Head of Senior Students

'Pacific As A Clean Place’ - Clean Up Australia Day

On Friday 3 rd March, students across the College participated in ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ activities that were led by Environmental Action Group Captain, Leah Monk, and a number of students from the Junior, Middle and Senior College. We recognise...
From the Head of Senior Students

Salvation Army - Community Connections

An important component in growing young people is inspiring them to adopt a sense of civic responsibility to the communities they live in. Volunteering their time in assisting others is a pursuit that will benefit their personal growth and lifelong...
From the Head of Senior Students

2017 Annual Sunshine Coast Ecumenical Service

On Tuesday 14 th February, the College Captains attended the Annual Ecumenical Service at St Teresa’s Catholic College, Noosa. The theme of the service was ‘solidarity’. The Bible reading for the service focused on Luke chapter 14, verse 12. Social...
From the Head of Senior Students

‘2gather 2gether’ (Year 12 and Year 2)

This week, the Year 2 and Year 12 students were paired with their buddies for the year. On Thursday 30 th March (Week 10), students will be invited to bring along their Teddy Bear and lunch for a picnic gathering to connect before the holidays. We...
From the Head of Senior Students

Year 12 Leadership Day

In Week 2, Year 12 students worked with Juliette Warne (Lutheran Youth of Queensland, Leadership Trainer) and the facilitators from the Lutheran Youth of Queensland to engage in the ‘creating positive memories’ program. Students were given...
From the Head of Senior Students


We extend a warm welcome back to all senior students and their families. As the term starts, it is important that students have established routines and good practices for the academic year ahead.
From the Head of Senior Students

Senior College Parent Information Evenings

Thank you to the Year 11 parents and students who attended the information evening on Tuesday 31 st January. It is pleasing to have parents continued support during their student’s journey through senior school. In the presentation, there was key...
From the Head of Senior Students