From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) 2023

Schools in Australia participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about support provided to...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment


Schools in Australia participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment Centre News

The LEC students are a huge blessing to our College. Each child who forms part of our happy learning environment contributes to creating a new world. In this world, we accept each other for who we are, the gifts that we have, and the opportunities...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment Centre News

Reflecting on ANZAC Day, we find great comfort in the lessons that the ANZACs have left for our community. The ANZAC spirit, traditions, and sacrifices that these men and women made in service to our country are remarkable. I read that the Anzac...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment News

Easter is all about faith, hope, and love and I pray that you and your family experienced God’s great love during these holidays. Term 2 is here, and we continue to prepare for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). Every school works...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment Centre News

Assessment time for all learners is a time for action and responsibility. It would be safe to say most students find this time difficult. With our Year 11 and 12 students in mind who are facing big challenges, it is important that they take time...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment Centre News

The missionary William Carey is well known for saying “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” He was encouraging us to think big and go beyond what is expected – dare to dream. Learning Enrichment is all about thinking beyond...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment Centre News

Assessment Week has been a BIG week. We have seen tears, happiness, anger, joy, frustration, success, laughter, and many other emotions. Emotions are a way of communicating our feelings and helping us to manage trials and difficult experiences. When...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment News

Communication is an important part of our everyday lives. In the LEC we try to always speak in love, with kindness and care but I don’t always get this right! I am a work in progress. Reflecting on God’s word in Philippians 4v8, I can hear my mother...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment

This week our LEC students are absorbed in learning and as teachers and LEC Aides it is a privilege to be a part of their learning journey. How can we help our children thrive and learn? There are somethings that as parents we can do to support our...
From the Head of Learning Enrichment