Learning Enrichment Centre News

Learning Enrichment Centre News

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The LEC students are a huge blessing to our College. Each child who forms part of our happy learning environment contributes to creating a new world.

In this world, we accept each other for who we are, the gifts that we have, and the opportunities to laugh with each other, and somedays even be sad together.

I think about a LEC Year 11 student who is super cool, but still took time to comfort a distressed Year 6 student, with a gentle “It’s okay mate, I’ve been there – it gets better!” Or the senior student who willingly gave up his time to help calm an anxious Year 10 student, who was trying to make subject choices. It is remarkable to see a Middle College student read an entire chapter to a girl in his class, who struggles to read. The stories are endless and just another day in the life of the LEC.

I can only stand in awe of the mothers of these incredible individuals! You have done a remarkable job and we are so blessed to have your child come to the LEC. Please take some time to enjoy these tributes to mothers.

What do mothers say?


What makes mothers happy?


What makes kids happy?

Possibly the wisest words yet came from a LEC student when asked this question. He said, confidently and in his most sage voice, “Ummmm, our mums of course!” And this we say, is the truth!

Happy Mother’s Day to the best Mums in the whole world – because you have a tough job. Be blessed and know that the LEC team is cheering you on.

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment P-12