Learning Enrichment News

Learning Enrichment News

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Easter is all about faith, hope, and love and I pray that you and your family experienced

God’s great love during these holidays. Term 2 is here, and we continue to prepare for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD).

Every school works toward identifying students with disabilities by identifying their learning needs. Armed with this information teachers make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum, classroom environmental adjustments, and/or adjustments to support students’ social and/or emotional needs.

What is the NCCD?

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

• the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability

• the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other


Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

How does the NCCD assist schools?

The NCCD prompts schools to identify students with disability and to review their processes and practices. It records the adjustments already undertaken in schools to support students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as their peers.

To know more click on these links:

The NCCD Infographic


What do Parents, Guardians or Caregivers of students with disability need to know?


For more information, please feel free to contact the LEC staff or email Chantal McAllister at cmcallister@pacluth.qld.edu.au

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment P-12