Compass No 724 - May 2024

From the Principal

Reconciliation In The Cross

This week we recognised National Reconciliation Week. The artwork created by Kabi Kabi artist Maggie Douglas, contains a chevron which is a universal symbol for moving forward. With the theme of ‘Now More Than Ever’, the artwork of Maggie Douglas encourages Australians to connect with one another with deep listening, a desire for understanding, a heart for truth telling and to move forward together.

Bianca Manning, Gomeroi woman of Common Grace in reflecting on reconciliation draws on the parallels with nature and encourages us to think of Reconciliation in the Cross. As nature recovers from bushfire, small green shoots appear as new life occurs. Green shoots called epicormic shoots begin to grow over the trunks and branches, leaving the upper branches bare and floating in the sky, resembling roots. Sometimes referred to as upside down trees, these trees remind us of the upside down nature of Jesus’ death and resurrection where “death leads to life, beauty emerges from the ashes …. and hope always persists.”  Bianca reflects on the words of Dr Aunty Jean Phillips, who reminds us that as we come together before the Cross, we are reminded of our common humanity and common need for God’s grace. It is into this space that we are called to sit together with humility, compassion and listening hearts.

Principal’s Log

As we engage in National Reconciliation Week, we are encouraged to deepen our understanding of the way in which actions and decisions in the past have impacted and continue to impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to play our part to reconcile and come together as one nation. As a College and members of Lutheran Education Queensland our staff have had the opportunity to engage with the stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in different forums. A common response after these experiences has been surprise at our general lack of awareness of the stories of our past from both a local, regional and national perspective. As a College we continue to develop our understanding and look for authentic ways in which we can deepen our understanding and support our community to come together as one. We are enriched as individuals and as community where we have understanding and a deep valuing of the contribution of different cultures and histories, particularly that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people to the shaping of who we are. Thank you to staff and students who have led activities this week to support our growth in understanding.

We thank our community for your generous support of the Red Shield appeal with over 3000 non-perishable food and household items being donated. These items together with the $1,000 donation were greatly appreciated by the Salvation Army and will go a long way to providing for many within the Caloundra community. We thank the Spirituality and Service Captains Kiana Campbell and Kai Sorbello and Chaplain Mark Hauser for their leadership of this hope giving community action.

It was a pleasure last night to go and watch our Under 13 and Under 15 Rugby teams compete against Siena College. The U13 team competed well. The U13 team and coach Mr Rob Belchamber are to be congratulated on their growth over the season. We look forward to their future growth in the seasons ahead as they grow together as a team. The U15 team previously undefeated in the season also played hard right to the end scoring some late tries to give them confidence in their upcoming rematch in the semi-finals. We wish the U15 team and coaches Mr Josh Cummins and Mr Jack Packer all the best for their finals.

We wish our Junior A Reserve Netball team and coach Mrs Emma Lendrum, PLC Crystal and Junior C team, PLC Garnet and coach Kiana Muir, all the best for their grand final matches next week. All teams are to be congratulated on their season and it was exciting to see 7 of our 9 teams reach the finals this year. It was exciting for our Senior A team to be coached by Lightning Player Ash Ervin. The Senior A team are to be congratulated on a very successful year where injuries in the final week of competition impacted on their progress to the finals. Well done to all of the players and coaches and particularly to our Head of Netball, Mrs Michelle Duffy for her leadership. We encourage our community to support our Junior girls in their Grand Final which occurs at 4.00pm next Monday at the Fisherman Road complex.

Last Thursday our students enjoyed the opportunity to compete at the Years 7-12 Athletics Carnival. We congratulate Buran House as the overall winning house and all students who participated with great spirit. We wish all those students in District Athletic competitions all the best. We thank Mr Cameron West McInnes and Mrs Lisa Muir for their organisation and all staff for their leadership.

May God give us listening hearts and opportunities to develop, deeper understanding to enable us to grow together as one.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal


From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Hope, Compassion and Understanding

This week across Australia, we have been asked to pause, reflect, and act upon the notion of Reconciliation for First Nation’s Peoples and what that means for all Australians regardless of background, culture, or ethnicity.

All Australians are encouraged to consider the past and present effects of our shared story and the historical impact it has had on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples during this week, which is marked from May 27th to June 3rd. The date of the 27th of May is significant in history, marking the historical decision in 1967, to provide First Nation’s People with the right to vote, and it includes other days significant to First Nations People namely, National Sorry Day 26th May and Mabo Day 3rd June.

These days of First Nation’s significance provide an opportunity to acknowledge how decisions made in the past, continue to impact the nation today. Reconciliation Week seeks to create a more cohesive and welcoming community where everyone is respected and valued via truth-telling, storytelling, and community involvement.

This year’s theme “Now, More than Ever” calls all Australians to encourage Australia's Reconciliation Journey to be undertaken, regardless of past division and disruption. 

Education has the power to provide a greater understanding of the rich history and resiliency of First Nation’s communities by taking part in events that foster cultural awareness and conversation. To acknowledge historical injustices, validate the experiences of First Nation’s Australians, and commit to meaningful efforts that close the gap between cultural groups.

Through our assemblies, devotions, and breaks, the college has intentionally provided the space for reflection, conversation, and education around reconciliation. These opportunities have been led by students and staff alike. They empower our community to engage and to speak up not only about the importance of reconciliation but also to be advocates of change now and in the future.

This week’s thread surrounds the notion of compassion. Compassion sits at the very heart of reconciliation. It requires patience understanding and perspective taking. This journey is not linear and not straightforward, it requires support and at times, recognising painful truths. But mostly it involves working together to create a shared vision of an inclusive Australia.

Take care and God Bless.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5

From the Director of Students

Mobile Phone and Uniform Expectations

Over the next few weeks, there will be a strong focus on student mobile phone use and uniform expectations. At the Middle and Senior College assembly this week students were reminded of our polices and expectations. Parent support in ensuring students meet uniform expectations, including while in the community would be appreciated.

Mobile Phones & Ear Buds

• Mobile phones should not be seen or used during the school day by students.

• Students are not to use their phone during the school day from 8.00am until the end of the school day. To assist in this, phones brought to school by Junior and Middle College students are to be kept secure in lockers or bags at the owner’s risk. Senior students may carry them with them but should not be using them during the day.

• Students are not to be wearing headphones or earbuds while on campus and can do so only with medical/academic accommodations or when directed to do so by teachers.

• Phones should not be used in any manner or place that is disruptive to the normal routines of the College or to other persons in the College. These guidelines also refer to the use of mobile phones during excursions or other off-campus sanctioned activities.


• No makeup other than medicated skin products are to be worn when in College uniform.

• Lip-gloss is not allowed to be worn.

• Nails should be natural and cut to meet safety standards of all activities. Only clear nail polish can be worn.

Ties and socks

• There will be a focus on male students wearing ties correctly and wearing navy/black socks with long pants for Seniors and long socks for Year 6-9 boys.

• There will be a focus on female students wearing PLC branded socks with day uniform and both female and male students wearing PLC branded socks with sports uniform.

Thank you for your support of strengthening our College uniform and mobile phone expectations with our Middle/Senior College students.

Mrs Leigh Finter, Director of Students

Career Development News

Careers News

Year 10 Career Guidance and Subject Selection Conversations Term 2 and 3

Year 10 is an exciting time, with it come big decisions. Students can choose which subjects to study in Years 11 and 12. And while the idea of finally only doing their favourite subjects is great, the pressure can also feel huge. Many students may not know what they want to do post-school. There is still plenty of time to decide and plan for their post-school options.

At PLC, we have started exploring career conversations to assist students in identifying possible career goals, we then look at pathways to help them achieve them. After these conversations, we will get into the business of picking subjects. In Week 4, students participated in a workshop to explore Career Clusters; students by now have completed the quiz and received a Ponder Profile, designed to help them think about the types of work that might suit them and their interests. Students were asked to reflect on the report, take the time to do research about the clusters, engage in a conversation with an adult, ask others to review the profile, interpret the result, and start sharing ideas about possible pathways.

Students have all received an electronic pre-career interview questionnaire, to assist them in unpacking the following

•  What motivates them

•  What they are interested in

•  What is in their future

•  Favourite / Least Favourite subjects

•  Which subjects do they think they might continue with in Years 11 and 12

•  Level of interest in further study: Certificate / Traineeship / Apprenticeship / Diploma Degree

•  Activities outside of school

•  Goal setting

We encourage students to work through this with a trusted adult prior to the preliminary career interviews, which have been scheduled to take place across Week 8 with students. The Year 11 Subject Expo follows this in Week 1 of Term 3 to help students take a deeper dive into subjects offered at PLC and the different external study offerings that might form part of their Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan). Students who require further career conversations to finalise their SET Plan can book a consultation in early Term 3 with the Head of Career Development.This is an exciting stage of a student's career development journey, so we hope you enjoy the opportunity to learn together what their future could hold.


Five Questions- to ask while you’re a student on work experience

Work experience is invaluable to help you gain hands-on experience in your chosen field, explore potential career paths, and develop essential skills for your future. By actively engaging in the experience and asking questions, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your placement. We have a number of PLC students across Years 10, 11 and 12 who have arranged their own work experience opportunities for across the June School Hoildays. Here are 5 key questions you should ask while you’re a student on work experience.


1.What are the primary responsibilities and daily tasks in this role? Understanding the day-to-day activities and expectations of a job can provide you with a clearer picture of what a career in that field entails. This way, you can find out whether it sounds like something you would want to do every day.


2.How do the skills and knowledge I’m gaining (or will gain) in my studies apply to this job? Connecting the knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-world work situations can help you understand the different places your studies can take you in the future. It can also help identify any gaps in your knowledge or skills before you jump into the workforce.


3.What are the most challenging aspects of this job, and how do you overcome them? Learning about the challenges professionals face in their roles and the strategies they employ to address them can help you develop resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills – skills you can use not just in your job, but your daily life too.


4.How do you see this industry evolving over the next few years, and what can I do to stay competitive? Gaining insights into industry trends and potential changes can better prepare you for the future job market, ensuring you remain competitive and up-to-date with relevant skills and knowledge.


5.Can you recommend any resources, professional associations, or networking opportunities that could help me? Expanding your professional network and staying informed about industry news and opportunities can be a big help as you progress in your career. By seeking advice from experienced professionals, you can identify valuable resources to help support your growth and development in your chosen field.


Mrs Veronica Sanmarco, Head of Career Development

Food for Thought

The Resilience Project – Practising Gratitude

This week’s presentation from The Resilience Project focuses on Gratitude.

Gratitude is paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives that exist around us.

Research shows that practicing gratitude rewires our brains to overcome the negativity bias (which can lead to anxiety and depression) and see the world for what we are thankful for. It is also shown to broaden thinking and increase physical health through improved sleep and attitude to exercise.

View Part 2 of the series here:

Part 2 - Gratitude:

There are many ways in which you can practise gratitude, including starting a gratitude journal. You can simply use a notebook to list three things that went well for you each day or use a more comprehensive Wellbeing Journal, like those created by The Resilience Project.

Another easy, and useful tip to practice gratitude is by replacing the word ‘have’ in sentences with the word ‘get’. For example, ‘I have to go to work today’ can be replaced with ‘I get to go to work today’ – the later reminds us that we are indeed fortunate and should feel grateful that we get to work today, when other people may not have such an opportunity.

Source: Psychology Today

For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.

Mr Brendan Macaulay, Head of Student Support

College News


A reminder that it is not too late to order school photos.  Photos can still be ordered online with code B7Y 8V9 RRH.

UNTIL FRIDAY 31ST MAY, there is no fee, after this date, there will be a $15 late fee.

Miss Carolyn Sainty, Executive Administration Secretary

Ensembles Concert

On Wednesday, 19th of June, at 6pm Pacific Music students will be performing in the annual Ensembles Concert in the PLC Gymnasium. There are over 180 students ready to showcase their talents for you.

There will be cheese boxes, poke bowls, hotdogs, and snacks, plus drinks available to purchase while you sit back and enjoy the entertainment. Please scan the QR code or click here to register attendance. Please note that the pre-ordering of cheese boxes is now open via the QR code below or click here and will close at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 12th June.

Mrs Helen Williams, Head of Instrumental Music

Library News

Library News

Year 1 Library

This term in library classes, Year 1 students have been looking at design thinking. We have been reading books about being designers and engineers and then working as a group to design a vehicle. Students used cardboard and other craft materials to create their vehicles using Makedo plastic tools such as screws, hinges and saws. We photographed their vehicles in front of a green screen to create images of the students driving.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop stocks all the College’s Winter Uniform requirements.

All students in Year 10-12 require the Formal Blazer for Winter.  Male students require trousers, belt, and tie.  A trouser and blouse option is available for Female students if they would like. Micro-fibre tights are also available for winter in addition to the dress.

Middle College (Years 6-9) Male Students need to wear a tie with the winter uniform. 

Junior college students can purchase the V-neck knitted jumper to wear with their Formal Uniform.  Trousers are available for male and female students as well as ribbed tights to wear with the dress (only) for female students. Sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available to purchase to wear with the sports uniform only.

For Prep Students, the sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available for purchase. These are worn with the sports uniform from Prep to Year 12.

Please see the College Uniform Guide here for more information.

If you have any questions regarding the Winter Uniform requirements, please contact Peta King at the Uniform Shop via the number below.

The Uniform Shop opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 10.30am

Tuesday Afternoon from 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Please contact the College’s Main Reception on 5436 7300 to make an appointment.

Flexischools orders are also available for your Uniform needs. These orders are completed Monday - Thursday and delivered to the students’ classrooms in the Foundation and Junior College and to the PCG pigeonholes in the Wellbeing Centre for Middle and Senior College students. Please ensure ordered uniforms are collected promptly to ensure that they do not go missing.

Secondhand Uniforms

To Sell

Current Uniforms will be accepted, except for; sports uniforms (polo and shorts), socks, swimwear, and shoes. Blazers are accepted with a current dry-cleaning receipt attached. Clothes must be freshly laundered, in good condition and free of pet hair.

Items will not be accepted if they are faded, or have; thin fabric, visible repairs, stains (including underarm sweat stains), worn patches and fraying hems/sleeves, broken zippers/buttons, and rips or tears. Uniforms that are not accepted may be discarded at the discretion of the Uniform Shop.

Please label items, place in zip lock bags and deliver to the Uniform Shop when open. Payment details: The Uniform Shop will provide payment via your school fee statement at the end of each term when items have been sold. A 50% fee of the sale price of each item will apply to cover school administration costs.

To Buy

Prices and stock vary on condition and on what items are available. Please make an appointment to come in and view secondhand items.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Convenor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Coffee & Chat – Come and say ‘Hi” and find out about Friends of Pacific.

Hosting events is only possible thanks to the efforts of those in our College community who give so generously of their time.

We would like to say Thank you to our Volunteers with a FREE COFFEE at the Coral Café;

Date: Friday the 7th of June

Time : 7:45 am-8:15 am


Volunteer Opportunity: Gala Day – Thursday the 6th of June 2024

Pacific’s 2nd Gala Day is fast approaching, and we will have our BBQ, drinks and snacks available, however we need more support and we are seeking volunteers for our BBQ. If you can assist for 1-2 hours we would really appreciate you registering below.


 More Info about our Friends of Pacific Trivia Night  - Friday the 16th of August – this will be a great night filled with laughter and friendship for music lovers. Tickets will be available mid June – there are limited tables so you will need to be quick!! Like our Facebook page  Pacific Facebook page for regular updates for this great night.


This year, we have streamlined our induction process by using a flexible delivery platform where

volunteers work through the Volunteer Handbook, complete an electronic form, and upload relevant

documentation. The Volunteer Handbook is accessible via the parent portal in Nav - PLC Navigator - Community ( To access this link, you will require your PLC parent log in. This ensures transparency and

accountability of volunteers intending to be involved. If you are unsure of how to access the Handbook

via Nav, please contact our IT department via

Any questions please feel free to contact the Committee –

Have you heard about Pacific Together?

Pacific Together is a care-based service offered by Friends of Pacific to College families in times of need. If you, or someone you know within our College community, needs extra support during the year, the Pacific Together care group may be able to help in some small way or offer a care package. Please contact Chaplain Mr Mark Hauser-

If you would like to support the continuation of the care-based service through a financial contribution, we invite you to contact Pacific Together via email:

Click here to follow our Pacific Facebook page.

Ms Jan Watman, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

Sport News

Year 7 – 12 Sport

 7-12 Inter-House Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday we were blessed with fantastic conditions to run our Year 7-12 Interhouse Athletics Carnival at the University of Sunshine Coast Sport Complex. Thank you to all students and staff who helped make the carnival a fantastic day out. It was great to see so many of our students involved in track and field events across the day with some great individual performances on show. Congratulations to Buran House for winning the Overall House Champions Trophy!

 A special mention goes to our new record holders for their outstanding achievements. 

Congratulations to our Runner Up and Age Champions from the 2024 Athletics Carnival;

Competitive Sport News:

Monday Night Netball

Semi Finals:

Well done to all our semi-finalist netball teams for their performances on Monday night. It was an incredible achievement for PLC to have 7 out of 9 teams make it to the penultimate match of the season.

Congratulation to two of our Junior teams who will be progressing through to Grand Finals.

  • PLC Crystal - Junior A Reserve
  • PLC Garnet - Junior C

We will pass on the final schedule for these teams soon!

One last special mention is for the grit and determination shown by to our Junior team, PLC Topaz who have only played with

7 x players this term and last night they only had 6 players on court for their semi-final. There are many first-year players in this group and it is fantastic to see them represent PLC so well.

Student Acknowledgements

•   Congratulations to Chase McLady for his selection in the 13-15 yrs Sunshine Coast Touch Football team. We wish him all the best at the upcoming State Championships.

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Lutheran College has several sports development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game.
The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

PLC Netball Club

There are only 3 games left before the June/July school holidays which marks the middle of the netball season. Game details for round 5 this weekend:

Our PLC Students and netball club players will be in action this Friday night in the Thunder Premier League (TPL), with Caloundra U18 Red playing against Caloundra U18 Blue, 7:30pm at Caloundra Indoor Sports Centre, court 2. All spectators are welcome. Caloundra U18 Red are currently the ladder leaders.  Well done girls!!!


Caloundra District Netball Association by-laws are available on their website.  Some key rules include:

•  SET & GO Divisions are non-competitive. No scores shall be recorded for these groups and no finals played.

•  Score Sheets:

  • Each team needs to supply a scorer, both scores must site/stand together on the sideline to score the game. It is a requirement that they both sign the scorecard to verify the result.
  • The home team (first listed team on NC & Scoresheet) are the responsible party for collecting the scoresheet from the control desk.
  • All team players must sign the Scoresheet correctly with the same signature as appears on the Team I.D. Card.
  • All team players, late arrivals, or substitute players must sign the Scoresheet before it is returned to Control Point.

• Teams Make-up:

  • A team must have five (5) original players to constitute a match. It will be deemed a forfeit if not.
  • A forfeit may be claimed if the opposition cannot field the minimum team of five (5) players within five (5) minutes of the scheduled time of the game and umpires becoming available.
  • If the forfeit is of late notice, teams may choose to play a ‘friendly’ if both teams agree. The control desk must be notified of the forfeit and of the ‘friendly’ game.

• Substitute Players:

  • When playing a player from a lower grade, the team’s name and grade/division must be noted on the Scoresheet in the substitution player section.
  • When a Club is fielding more than one team in any grade, players must not interchange in that same grade.
  • Players are not permitted to play in teams more than two grades higher than their registered team.
  • Number of times a player can substitute = maximum of 4.
  • A player from a lower grade may play in a higher grade in accordance with clause 8.2, for no more than four (4) games in total throughout the season.
  • Penalty’s, such as the loss of points or the win awarded to the opposition team, apply to non-compliance with By-Laws.

We are still looking for additional players from Years 8 or 9 to join our club, if you or someone you know is keen, please reach out to the Netball President email. Registration fees will be discounted for joining later in the season.

At PLC Netball, we are about growing future leaders through the joy of sport, teamwork, and lifelong friendship. It is about the community coming together around this great game and developing life skills and positive attitudes in our young women as they reach their formative years. As proud parents and volunteer committee members behind PLC Netball, we invite you to become a sponsor and support the ongoing success of our club and development programs. As a sponsor, we can offer a range of acknowledgement and promotion of your business or club to our families and the extended community. If your business or employer can partner with PLC, please contact us.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.

Your PLC Netball Club Committee

President – Donna Watkins |

Secretary – Peta King |

Registrar – Karen Costa  |

Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club

Mrs Donna Watkins, PLC Netball Club President

Pacific FC


On Saturday, Pacific FC presented Talys W with his 10 year jacket. Talys has been a valued member of Pacific FC since he started with the U7 Fireflys in 2015. He progressed to our U7 Seadragons and then into the U8 Vipers. In 2018 he joined the U10 Barracudas and hasn’t looked back since. A highlight of his soccer journey was taking out the U14 2022 SCCSA Championships. We congratulate Talys on this major milestone and thank parents, Tanya and Glenn, for their continued encouragement through the years. Well done!


Congratulations to Bruce, Carter, Kai, Nicholas, and Taj from the U16/17 Pacific Barracudas, who formally received their 10-year 2023 SCCSA medals on Saturday. These boys have put their hearts and souls into learning their craft and it is always a pleasure to watch their games. Thank you to the parents and family members who have supported the boys throughout the now 11 continuous years!



It was a tough day out there for the Makos against the very fast and capable Mooloolah Tree Snakes. The Makos gave it their all and fought hard all game, but just couldn’t keep up with the power of the opposition. Huge thanks to fill in coach, Kyle. We appreciate you!

Team awards this week were presented to:

- Ethan

- Rocky

- Sonny

- Indi

Manager Fi



Round 9 saw the U7 Trevallys have a win at home against the Mooloolah Tigersnakes. Mooloolah were down some players so special mention to Ari who played the first half for Mooloolah and Henry who played the second half for Mooloolah.

Amazing team spirit from these two players!

Goal scorers - Sam, Max and Munro!

Awards went to:

- Max

- Henry and Gussy

- Opposition award went to Henry

Manager Meghan



This week the Manta Rays were at home against the Bli Bli Royals. The match was even at 1-1 with great passing and some great saves by the goalies. The second half looked to be going the same way when Jack scored a spectacular goal to take the win 2-1 for the Manta Rays. Special mention to Jack for scoring his first goal, we are all so proud of your consistency and determination buddy.


-Goals- Jack (1), Hudson (1)

- Player of the Match -Jack & Noah

- Team Spirt Award - Ari

- Other awards - Tom

Manager Kelly

To read all the Match Reportsclick this link



Round 9 Volunteers – Thank you!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers from the Trevallys, Snappers, Swordfish, Seahorses, Marlins and Barracudas who assisted during Round 9.

Thank you also to Lucie, Amelie, Zara and Nikki for their efforts in the canteen. Once again, a special mention to Mr Darren Hooper for helping with set-up and pack up.


Teams are playing across the coast for Round 10.

Round 11 - Team photos – Saturday, 8th June

• No club games on Saturday 29th June and Saturday 6th July (School Holidays)

The Junior Draw (U6-U16/17) for the whole season is now available on the SCCSA website. 

Contact: The Registrar


Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark’s

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates


29-30  District Secondary Athletics

30       District Primary Athletics

30       Instrumental Tutor’s Concert

31       Caloundra Show Day

31       Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball



3-5      Year 8-9 Middle College Exams

3-7      Year 10 Exams

6         Years 4 – 6 SCISSA Gala Day 2

11       Year 11 2025 QCE Information Evening

14-16  Year 12 Retreat

18       K-3 Colour Splash

18       Friends of Pacific Meeting

19       K-12 Chapel

19       P-2 Cross Country

19       Ensembles Concert

19       Term 2 Concludes