Compass No 720 - May 2024

From the Principal


To be human is to be of the earth. Part of the derivation of the word human comes from the Latin word humus, which means earth. Having this sense of all of humanity being of the earth, including ourselves builds a rich sense of connection and groundedness. Many of us have experienced our deep natural connection with the earth when we have gardened, played in the mud, or walked barefoot on the sand. Being grounded enables us to see our common humanity, live with humility and to see ourselves as equal parts of God’s creation.

The word human reminds us of the Genesis story where God created humans through breathing life into the dust of the earth. Through his love for us, God continues to breathe life into us each day. Our life is enriched daily through the gifts God gives us. This includes the people we have in our lives, and the joy we experience as we learn and try new experiences, read, create, engage with the arts or sport, have fun, interact with nature, eat great food and the list goes on. Where we live with humble, grateful hearts the abundance of our lives comes into focus.

Principal's Log

One of the great gifts of working in education is that you get to interact with people each day and witness joy, laughter, and growth. Schools are places of constant learning and celebration. Education is energising and life giving. Every day I encounter something that makes me smile, be amazed at, and learn from. Even in working through the tough stuff there is the opportunity for growth. Often this is where the greatest growth occurs. Our people as staff, students and parents are generous in their service and interactions, goodwilled and very capable. We have much to be thankful for at Pacific. It is a privilege to share in the growth of people.

We congratulate our Cross-Country teams who represented the College well at the Independent District competitions. Both our teams came 6th overall. We thank Mrs Lisa Muir, and Heads of Sport Mr Darren Hooper, Mr Cameron Wes McInnes for their organisation and Mrs Kiernan for her leadership of the run club. We wish those students going onto represent the Independent District all the best.

In this first fortnight, we have farewelled Ms Rebecca Ross who has very capably led the Science Department since 2008. Through this time Ms Ross grew the science department to be a highly regarded department with many students developing a love of science and choosing to study science related courses beyond the college. Mrs Ceilidh King, Middle and Senior College English and Humanities teacher has also commenced maternity leave. We wish both Ms Ross and Mrs King every blessing.

We have welcomed Mrs Kylea Fern and Ms Martina Bennet as Middle and Senior College Mathematics and Science teachers, Ms Bridgett Haigh as a Middle and Senior College English and Humanities teacher, Mr Braedon Shears as an Industrial Technology and STEM aide, Mrs Jodi Nielsen as Communication and Administration Officer and Mrs Karen Costa as Year 5 teacher. We have also welcomed back Head of Sport Mr Cameron West McInnes and Head of Vet and Industrial Technology Mr Ian Learoyd from long service leave. Mrs Claire Richards brings a breadth of experience and expertise as she takes on the role of Acting Head of Science. We wish these staff every blessing as they commence new journeys within the Pacific community.

We give a prayer of thanks for all the gifts that God brings into our lives and pray that we might use them to improve the lives of other people and to care for the environment.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the Director of Students

Embracing Humility and Service: Reflections for Student Growth and Leadership

As we reflect on the grandeur of God's creation this fortnight and our place within it, focusing on Psalm 8 in P-5 and 6-12 Chapel Services and class devotions during pastoral care lessons, we were reminded of our humility as students and staff and as community. Humility calls us to recognise that the journey of our students at PLC—their strengths and talents, knowledge, and skills—is a gift from God. It is not about boosting our own ego and our place within it, but about using what we've been given to benefit others.

In the month of May, we have a special opportunity to put this spirit of service into action through the Red Shield Appeal. The Red Shield Appeal is a chance for us, as community, to actively engage in serving our communities, mirroring God's love for us in our love for others. Participating in the Red Shield Appeal can deepen our understanding of our calling as part of the creation and servants of God. It allows us to tangibly demonstrate our commitment to helping those in need, just as God cares for each of us.

By volunteering our time, talents, and resources to support the Red Shield Appeal, we assist those who are less fortunate and cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility within ourselves. We embody the values of humility and service that are central to our identity as students and followers of Christ. Thank you to the leadership of Year 12 Service and Spirituality Captains, Kai and Kiana for their organisation and commitment to supporting the Red Shield Appeal and raising awareness through our College community.

Looking back on what has already taken place this term, in Week 2, our Year 11 students embarked on their first Leadership Day, marking the beginning of a journey toward harnessing their strengths and fostering collective leadership. Together, they explored how to leverage individual strengths to build bonds and enhance both personal and group leadership capacities. Alumni leaders from the College, as well as facilitators from Lutheran Youth Queensland supported the day program strengthening the enthusiastic participation and engagement from our 2025 leaders.  This first Leadership Day serves as a foundation for the students, preparing them for their second Leadership Day in July, which will focus specifically on the leadership process for 2025 Student Leadership Executive roles. Through these experiences, our students grow academically, develop as leaders, guided by the principles of humility, service, and collaboration.

A huge thank you to College Alumni, and Lutheran Youth Queensland for their facilitation of the Year 11 Leadership Day.

Ms. Leigh Finter, Director of Students

From the Head of Learning K-5

Building capacity of self, others, and faith.

Recognising and building our state of mind can be a complicated initiative. Steve Biddulph, the author of Raising Boys and Raising Girls, recently wrote a book Fully Human. Within this book, Steve describes the mind as a four-storey building. On the ground floor is healthy eating, exercising, and resting well to sustain physical health. The second storey is our feelings, where and how we emotionally respond to the evolving landscapes around us. The third storey is our logic, how we think through issues with reasoning and facts. The fourth floor is our connection to “something bigger”, our faith, our relationships, the environment and, mindfulness, etc. One floor cannot survive without the other. He states that by spending the appropriate time in each “floor” we are building our wellness and self-awareness. By understanding that we can at times get stuck on a floor, we build our skills to move and build our wellbeing.

The framework attached to the Pacific Way identifies the three themes of “Me”, “We”, and “See” as holistically combining to form a complete picture of the development of the whole child. This term, during assemblies, and in addition to achievement, we will be looking in detail at the “We” component of individuals who relate to each other, how we learn together, what is a Christian community and how learning in the outdoors supports our relationships.

The “We” of The Pacific Way aims to build the attributes involved with collaboration. Humans are social beings, and as much as some of us relish a time to be alone, our connection with others helps us better understand ourselves. 

One of the statements involved in the Pacific Way speaks of listening, valuing difference and celebrating the potential of others. Every day across the college, I am privileged to witness interactions that touch on these signposts. Conversations between students and staff allow the opportunity to listen and learn from each other and realise that the skills each of us possess are unique and enrich the lives of all around us.  Listening supports us to celebrate the learning and growth in each other and reminds us that our differences often unite us the most. 

Gawun and Kids in Action

This term has seen the continued expansion of our service leadership model in Year 5. Our leaders have continued discussions from our Leadership Day at the end of Term One to develop ways to assist others.  Our leaders are easily identifiable by their high-vis vests on and make a real impact in our College. Our leaders have been busy helping students enter the College from the Foundation Carpark, supporting readers, and helping in the playground and the library spaces.

In addition to this, a group of students took part in the developmental project day of the council-run program Kids in Action. This year’s theme involves HEAR on Country; are you listening? The students will visit the University of the Sunshine Coast and undertake a range of workshops designed to highlight the connected nature of systems and interwoven links of what is current on Country. Their next steps are to work as a team to develop a plan about an identified issue from the day and present their project to other students in the project later in the year. I thank the dedication and enthusiasm of the students, as this requires significant extra work on their part. Their passion for service significantly impacts other Junior Students, and they learn a lot about themselves in the process.

These opportunities happen with a significant commitment from our Year Five teaching team and in particular, Mrs Luanne Pollard, who is the driving force behind the Kids in Action Initiative.

Carparking and Drop-off

Parents and guardians are reminded that due to congestion in all carparks both, before and after school, we ask that all users of the drop-off space remain with their vehicles whilst picking up and dropping off children. All carparks function well when used as designed and we ask that you keep this front of mind when utilising these spaces. Your co-operation with this is greatly appreciated.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5

From the Head of Middle College

University of Queensland Partner Schools Program - Metacognition in the Middle College

Recent educational research emphasises the positive impact of self-regulated learning on student learning outcomes. Self-regulated learning means students taking more control of their own learning through an awareness of cognition (thinking), metacognition (thinking about one’s thinking) and motivation.

Understanding how we learn best has a significant impact on our learning success. Knowing how to plan and monitor our learning can assist with problem solving when we are involved in deep learning, so that productive struggle and failure are embraced rather than feared. An important mindset to adopt in a culture of thinking is that learning occurs at the point of challenge. When students embrace learning, confident that the outcome is worth the effort, they are motivated to join teachers and class peers in challenging learning. Knowing they possess the strategies to get through this struggle empowers them.  When students know to expect ‘cognitive confusion’ and have the skills to problem solve, they reframe challenge as an expected phase of learning something new. Dr Dolling has been leading students through ‘The Learning Pit’ in the Year 6-12 assembly this term.

The Learning Pit

Created by James Nottingham

The Learning Pit introduces the stages of deep learning in a visual way for students. The learning pit is not a negative experience, but a place of collaboration and energy where students share the journey of building understanding. The UQ Partner Schools Project team will use this conceptual representation to introduce the power of metacognition to Middle College students. Approaches will be introduced to help students think about their own learning at the point of challenge. They will be explicitly taught how to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning during periods of ‘cognitive confusion’.

Australasian educational reviews of research demonstrate evidence of as much as 7 months learning gains in a school year when interventions to equip students with metacognitive strategies are introduced. With these insights, Middle College teachers will be guiding students through a challenging thinking routine and gathering information about their experience. Students will be asked to monitor their own learning during this task and to evaluate it using a survey and think aloud protocols.  Feedback results will be analysed by the UQ Partner Schools Program team. Guided by academics and researchers from the Learning Lab at UQ, a synthesis of successful metacognitive strategies will form the intervention phase of the project.

We look forward to sharing results of the Metacognition in the Middle College project with the PLC community.

UQ Partner Schools Team

Mel Percival, Linda Sydes, Michelle McMillan, Tiffany Harman, Jo Belchamber

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Middle College

Food for Thought

Family Connection: The Importance of Evening Meals with Adolescents

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding time to connect with our adolescents can sometimes feel like a challenge. However, research consistently highlights the significance of one simple ritual that can strengthen family bonds and positively impact our teenagers’ well-being: sharing an evening meal together.

The benefits of having regular family dinners extend far beyond simply satisfying their hunger. Here are reasons why this tradition is so valuable for your adolescent:

Strengthening Family Bonds:

Gathering around the table provides a dedicated time for family members to come together, share stories, and engage in meaningful conversations. It fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens family ties, which is particularly important during the teenage years when peer influence is strong.

Enhanced Communication Skills:

Regular family meals offer an opportunity for adolescents to practice important communication skills. They learn to express themselves, listen actively, and participate in discussions—an essential foundation for healthy relationships in the future.

Better Nutrition Habits:

Family meals often include healthier food choices compared to eating alone or on the go. When adolescents share meals with their families, they are more likely to consume a wider variety of nutritious foods and develop lifelong healthy eating habits.

Academic Success:

Surprisingly, research suggests a positive correlation between regular family meals and academic performance. Adolescents who participate in family dinners tend to have better grades and are more likely to engage in positive social behaviours at school.

As parents, let’s make a conscious effort to prioritize family meals. Even with busy schedules, aim for at least a few evenings a week to gather as a family around the dinner table. Make this time technology-free, encouraging everyone to be fully present and engaged with each other.

By nurturing this simple yet profound tradition, we can create lasting memories, strengthen our family bonds, and provide our adolescents with the support and stability they need during these formative years.

Here’s to more meaningful moments around the dinner table!

Mr Brendan Macaulay, Head of Student Support

College News


Aura Wastewater Project – Impact to Meridan Sports Field Internal Access Road and Meridan Way Pedestrian Pathway

Temporary Closure: 01 May- 03 May

Unitywater, together with McConnell Dowell, is working to provide essential water and wastewater services for the growing Sunshine Coast region. This involves work on the Aura Wastewater Pump Station and the installation of 12.5km of pipeline to transfer wastewater to the Kawana Wastewater Treatment Plant, which impacts Meridan Way. Please visit Unity Water and works notification for further detail on the Aura Wastewater Project

To ensure the safety of pedestrians in and around the Meridan Sports field Internal Access Road, Unitywater will close roads whilst construction takes place.

What to expect:

• Changed traffic and pedestrian conditions on Meridan Way for 3 days – FOOTPATH WILL BE CLOSED.

• Construction noise from 6am until 7.30pm during works.

• FULL ROAD CLOSURE of Meridan Sports Field Internal Access Road for two days from 6am-7:30pm. This will remain closed overnight.

How will this impact travel to and from College?

• The FOOTPATH on MERIDAN WAY will be CLOSED for 3 days whilst works take place. Alternative travel arrangements need to be arranged for students who would usually travel to and from College along Meridan Way, by foot, bike etc.

• If you currently use the Meridan Sports Fields internal access road, this will be closed from 6am until 7:30pm for two days. This will remain closed overnight.

• Please look out for signage along the footpath notifying of the closure dates and changed foot and vehicle traffic conditions.

• Please allow extra time for your journey to and from College and expect delays when the changed traffic conditions, including a lane closure, are in place.

When will works take place?

• Unitywater have advised that work will be expected to occur 01 May- 03 May

• The exact date will be presented on a video messaging board at the Meridan Sports Fields internal access road.

• Pedestrian signage will be displayed in advance regarding these works, with exact dates displayed.

• Please note: the dates of these works will be dependent on weather, ground conditions and progress of our work crews through the area and therefore may change. The VMS and pedestrian signage will be updated should there any changes.

Please visit our website to find out more information.

If you are unable to get alternative transport to school as a result of this pedestrian footpath closure – please contact our team to arrange a voucher for local transport a&

School Photo Day – Prep to Year 12- Tuesday 21st May 2024

Please place your order online before Tuesday 21st May. Go to and enter the code B7H 8V9 RRH

Payment can be made using Visa, Mastercard or PayPal. If you are unable to order online, please hand your completed order envelope directly to the photographers on Tuesday 21st May.

If you have any queries concerning school photographs and ordering, please contact Advancedlife directly:

School photography information:

  • Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school.
  • Sibling Photos – Do not forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. Advancedlife provides Pacific with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so we are aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at Pacific.
  • Late fees – A late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately.
  • Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing.
  • Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at the Advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure an Advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9-digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past.

Miss Carolyn Sainty, Administrative Executive Secretary

Senior Drama Production 2024

‘SENSE and SENSIBILITY’ – Jane Austen Re-Wired!





Watch a sneak peak of our amazing Cast in their roles in this short clip


Mrs. Janine Delaney, Director

Visual Arts

Recently, Luca Buttrose submitted his IA2 artworks to the ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Art) Student Competition. This competition focuses on speculative futures and encourages students to explore futuristic themes. Luca's artworks explore human interaction with nature by manipulating it to serve human needs, such as cell manipulation and engineering. He skilfully applies scientific methods, examining cells at a macroscopic level, digitally distorting them using touch design, integrating AR and AI music to create an interactive experience that highlights the connection between the natural and the artificial.

The ISEA Student Art Competition is highly competitive and represents an advanced level of artistic endeavour. Simply being entered into it is a significant achievement. We extend our best wishes to Luca as he participates. You can interact with these artworks in person at the Pacific Art Gallery. Come in before school or during lunchtimes to visit!

Miss Elise Black, Head of Visual Art

Instrumental Music

Instrumental music

Last Thursday, 36 of our musicians formed into our Mighty Marching band and once again had the honour of leading the school section of Caloundra RSL ANZAC Day March. Despite the very hot conditions the Marching Band played with strength, keeping in step with the music. They participated with great honour and respect for our Defence Personnel and were outstanding on the day. Many thanks once again go to Mrs Linda Sydes, who was our Drum Major for the day.


The end of semester Ensembles Concert is coming up in week 10. All ensembles will be performing. Details on how to book tickets and order for the night will be available soon.

Helen Williams, Head of Instrumental Music

Library News

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has now opened for students in Prep to Year 9. To successfully complete the challenge, students are required to read or experience the following number of books during the reading period from 7 May to 23 August.

  • Prep to Year 2 – 20 books or experiences
  • Year 3 to 4 – 20 books
  • Year 5 to 9 – 15 books

In 2023, over 110,000 children participated, collectively reading more than 1.5 million books.

To register for the challenge, go to

ANZAC Day craft in the library

Last week, students were invited to make a poppy wristband to commemorate ANZAC Day. Students designed their own wristband or used a template, wrote a message, coloured-in the poppy and band, then cut it out and connected the band together. Well done to all the students who took part.

Year 5 Kindness Projects

This semester, Year 5 library lessons are focusing on the topic of kindness. Students have been reading books about kindness, designing a craft project to show kindness to someone else. Pictured, are some of the kindness rocks that students have made to be put out in the environment for other people to find. Other students have been making friendship bracelets, creating bookmarks, crocheting gifts, creating kindness jars and much more. Later, students will be undertaking a research project comparing the work of various charities.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop


Winter Uniform begins on Tuesday 7th May.  The Uniform Shop stocks all the Colleges Winter Uniform requirements, 

All students in Year 10-12 will require the Formal Blazer for Winter.  Male students will require trousers and tie.  A trouser and blouse option is available for Female students if they would like. Micro-fibre tights are also available for winter in addition to the dress.

Middle College (Years 6-9) Male Students will need to wear a tie when winter uniform begins.

Junior college students can purchase the V-neck knitted jumper to wear with their Formal Uniform.  Trousers are available for male and female students as well as ribbed tights to wear with the dress (only) for female students.  Sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available to purchase to wear with the sports uniform only.

For Prep Students, the sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available for purchase. These are worn with the sports uniform from Prep to Year 12. 

Please see the College Uniform Guide here for more information. If you have any questions regarding the Winter Uniform requirements, please contact Peta King at the Uniform Shop via the number below.

The Uniform Shop opening hours are -

  • Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 10.30am
  • Tuesday Afternoon from 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Please contact the College’s Main Reception on 5436 7300 to make an appointment.

Flexischools orders are also available for your Uniform needs. These orders are completed Monday - Thursday and delivered to the students’ classrooms in the Foundation and Junior College and to the PCG pigeonholes in the Wellbeing Centre for Middle and Senior College students. Please ensure ordered uniforms are collected promptly to ensure that they do not go missing.


Mrs Peta King, Uniform Convenor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Mother’s Day Stall on Tuesday 7th May 2004      











Reminder to give your children $5 to buy their special gifts.

We have a busy term with many opportunities for families to come together, meet new families, or re-connect, through supporting our students and community by volunteering at school events. We will be calling for volunteers throughout the term. If you haven’t completed your Volunteering Training at Pacific yet and want to help us in our upcoming events, don’t worry as it is quick and easy. This year, the College is streamlining the induction process by using a flexible delivery platform where volunteers work through the Volunteer Handbook, complete an electronic form, and upload relevant documentation. The Volunteer Handbook is accessible via the parent portal in Nav - Nav Community Links.

If you have ever thought about volunteering or becoming a part of Friends of Pacific, now is the time. There are many exciting events on the 2024 calendar, the more volunteers we have available to support these events will ensure their success. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Committee –

Hosting events is only possible thanks to the efforts of those in our College community who give so generously of their time.

 Upcoming events:

  • Coffee Meet- Friday May 10th at Coral Café 8am – 8:20am. Come and say ‘Hi’ and find out what FoP is about!
  • Primary Athletics Carnival – Tuesday 14th May at USC
  • Secondary Athletics Carnival – Thursday 23rd May at USC
  • Trivia Night – Friday 16th August - this will be a lot of fun, so lock in your calendars!



Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.


Ms Jan Watman, Friends of Pacific (Acting Chairperson)

Sport News

Year 7 – 12 Sport

Competitive Sport News:

Vicki Wilson Netball

We have 4 teams representing the College at the prestigious Queensland Vicki Wilson Secondary School Competition.  The preliminary competition is held on Friday 17th May, where the top two teams in Vicki Wilson Cup and Vicki Wilson Shield divisions will represent Sunshine Coast Secondary Schools, playing in the final series at Nissan Arena in August. We wish our teams all the best in their preparations for this event. Thank you to Michelle Dufty for her incredible work with our players.


SCISSA Soccer and Volleyball

Senior Soccer:

Round 2 for our Senior SCISSA teams saw a night of mixed results. Our Senior B Boys travelled to Good Shepherd and went down 4-1 against a spirited opposition. The Senior Girls were competitive in their fixture and went down 1-0 in a tight tussle. Well done to our Senior A Boys for a strong 5-1 win.

Junior and Intermediate Volleyball:

It was a tough night for our Volleyball teams with many teams experiencing close matches in their fixtures. An honourable mention goes to the Intermediate A Boys who were only just pipped by Matthew Flinders in close sets. Congratulations to Junior A Boys for their second win on the trot as well as the Junior B Girls for winning in their first game of the season! We look forward to seeing all teams at training during Friday sport.


13-19 yrs. District Cross Country

A big thank you to the 55 PLC students who came and represented PLC at the Independent District Cross Country on Tuesday the 30th April. It was fantastic to take such a big team to the event and all of our runners competed to their best pushing themselves over a muddy course.

We improved our standings from last year and finished 6th from 11 schools. I am looking forward to seeing us improve again next year in this event.  A big congratulations to Logan Pohlner and Sofia Hutchinson for finishing 6th in their age groups.



















7-12 Inter-House Athletics

With the 7-12 Inter-House Athletics Carnival fast approaching on May 23rd, please see some important information regarding a few pre-events which will be held in Week 4 and 5. The events listed below are run prior to the main event to help our carnival run to time on the day.


This information will also be sent through in a letter within the coming days. All nominations for pre-events need to be emailed to Mrs Lisa Muir at by the 6th May.


Athletics pre-event information

Triple Jump – District Selection Nomination (13 – Open Age Groups). Students wishing to compete at the District Carnival will need to nominate interest by Monday 6th May 2024.  If there is a large group of students nominated in an age group, a lunchtime trial will be organized.

12 Years High Jump – Age Champion / District Selection Trial- Thursday 16th May – 1.00pm on PLC Rear Courts. Students in Year 7 who are turning 12 this year (2011 birth year) and would like to accumulate Age Champion points or be considered for district selection will need to compete in this event at PLC.

Please note that 13-19yrs High Jump will take place at the 7-12 Athletics Carnival, however due to time constraints, there will be limitations on participation. 3 competitors per age group and gender in each house will compete in the high jump event on the day. Nominations for 13-19yrs High Jump will be processed in House Assemblies prior to the carnival.


Javelin Events (13-15yrs) - Wednesday 8th May 2024 – 1:00pm on the Main Oval

Javelin Events (16-18yrs) - Thursday 9th May 2024 – 1:00pm on the Main Oval

Students wishing to accumulate Age Champion points or be selected to compete at the District Carnival will need to attend this session, house points will not be awarded for this event. 


1500m Events (10yrs – Open Age Groups) – Wednesday 8th May – 7:15-8:15am at Meridan AFL Fields.

Students wishing to accumulate Age Champion points or be selected to compete at the District Carnival in this event will need to attend this session, house points will not be awarded this year for this event. 


If you have any questions regarding these events, please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Student Acknowledgements

Well done to the students listed below for their outstanding achievements in sport:

  • Congratulations to Marcel Patullo, who was selected in the 10 -12yrs Independent District Football Team to compete at the upcoming Sunshine Coast Regional Trials.
  • Congratulations to Cruze Francis, who was selected in the 14-15yrs District Rugby Union Team.
  • Congratulations to Annabelle Taylor Rose, for her selection in the Sunshine Coast Regional Open Softball Team.


Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Junior Sport

District Cross Country Carnival

Well done to all students who represented the College on Tuesday at the Independent District Cross Country Carnival out at the new Fisherman’s Rd Sports Complex.

Our PLC Primary team finished in sixth place overall out of the eleven schools competing with several great individual performances from students on the day.

Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top six places at the carnival:

  • Leah van den Hurk – 2nd place (9 years old girls)
  • Kyle Huxley – 4th place (11 years old boys)
  • Scarlett van den Hurk - 1st place (12 years old girls)


Scarlett and Kyle have now qualified for the Independent District Cross Country team to compete at the upcoming 10 – 12yrs Sunshine Coast Regional Cross Country Carnival.

Thanks to Mrs. Kim Kiernan who was team manager at the carnival and has supported students along the way with Run Club training sessions in Term One and Two. Thank you to Mrs. Lisa Muir who spent many hours in the lead up to the carnival emailing and organising the team prior to and during the carnival.


3-6 PLC Athletics Carnival Information

The Primary Inter-house Athletics Carnival will be held on Tuesday 14th May (Week 5). The focus of the carnival is student participation and a positive sport experience.  A few events will take place prior to and after the carnival. Information regarding the carnival was emailed home to parents last week.  





Details of the pre- and post-carnival events are as follows:

10-12yrs 1500m – District Selection Trial – Wednesday 8th May – (7:15 – 8:15am, before school – Meridan AFL fields)

Students wishing to compete in the 1500m at the Independent District Carnival will need to attend this trial. Age champion and house points are not awarded for this event.

12yrs High Jump – District Selection Trials Only - Thursday 16th May (1:00 – 1:40pm, lunchtime) 

Students in Year 6 who are turning 12 this year (2012 birth year) and would like to be considered for district selection in high jump will need to attend this trial held during lunchtime. Interested students from Year 7 who are also turning 12 this year will need to attend this trial. Students have the option to use either the scissor or Fosbury flop technique at this trial.

Year 6 students will still compete in the 12yrs high jump event at the 3-6 Athletics Carnival for house and age champion points.

Students wishing to trial for either the 1500m or 12yrs high jump event will need to email Mrs. Lisa Muir to register your interest.


Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport P-6

Club Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Lutheran College has several sports development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game. The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

PLC Netball Club

Dear PLC Netball Club Families,


There will be no games on Saturday 4th May, and we wish all families a happy and relaxing the Labour Day Long weekend. We are looking for a few additional players from Years 8 or 9 to join our club, if you or someone you know is keen, please reach out to the Netball President email. Netball is a great social game to play with your friends, keeping you fit while having fun.

At PLC Netball, we are growing future leaders through the joy of sport, teamwork, and lifelong friendship. It is about the community coming together around this great game, developing life skills and positive attitudes in our young women as they reach their formative years. As proud parents and volunteer committee members behind PLC Netball, we invite you to become a sponsor and support the ongoing success of our club and development programs. As a sponsor, we can offer a range of acknowledgement and promotion of your business or club to our club families and the extended community. If your business or employer can partner with PLC, please contact us with any queries.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.

Your PLC Netball Club Committee

President – Donna Watkins |

Secretary – Peta King |

Registrar – Karen Costa  |

Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club




Mrs Donna Watkins, PLC Netball Club President

Pacific FC

Last Saturday saw Round 6 matches being played across the Sunshine Coast. Every team put in 100% effort.



The Trevally’s travelled to Nambour and had their first win of the season. They were all so excited! With only 6 players, they all worked incredibly hard.

  •  Awards went to Sam and Axel
  • Gussy scored Player of the Match from the opposition

Coach and Manager Meghan



We won!!! Caloundra were a strong team and had us worried, but the mighty Stingrays pulled off one of their trademark come backs from behind!

Team morale was strong, and it made for a wonderful game to watch!

  •  Eddie had a cracking game, being super strong in attack, scoring a hat-trick and was awarded Player of the Match
  • Finn was super strong in defense; his kicking was on point and was awarded the Guzman voucher
  • Cata showed great team spirit by pushing through hesitation and showed up strong as goalkeeper

Coach Darren and Manager Sarah



The team played an awesome Round 6 game against Coolum Crusaders and won 6-3.

We are very proud of their progress!

  • Player of the Match to James O for 3 cracking goals
  • Jackson played strong defense
  • Team Spirit Award went to Benji for working hard across the field and being a great support to his whole team

Coach Lucy



The mighty PLC Under 16/17 Barracudas played Caloundra Black, with us currently sitting second on the ladder at Caloundra.

The game was evenly poised throughout, with PLC diffusing Caloundra attempts on goal in the first half. We were 0-0 at half time. PLC lifted and an offensive attack originating from the back which led to a contest in the box, skipper Nic entered putting the loose ball away. PLC valiantly defended their goal in the final stages and rightly took away the 1-0 win, cementing their place in the top 4. All players did an amazing job.

  • Best on ground = Kai and Taj

Coach Boland


The Junior Draw (U6-U16/17) for the whole season is now available on the SCCSA website. Click here for the Draw

We are next back at PLC on Saturday, 11th May for Round 7.

Teams on Canteen Duty – Electric Rays, Manta Rays, Swordfish, Seahorses, Sharks, and Marlins

Note: Some competitive games may not be at PLC on Home Game dates.

Pacific will also host games on Saturday, 17th August for the End of Season U6-U10 Rooball Carnival. The draw is not yet complete for that date.


No SCCSA Club Games:

•          Saturday 4th May (due to State Titles)

•          Saturday 29th June and Saturday 6th July (School Holidays)


 U8 Manta Rays


Contact: The Registrar
Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 





Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark’s

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

                                                All are welcome at any of our services.


Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates


6         Labour Day

7         Trimester 2 Commences

7         Friends of Pacific Mather’s Day Stall

14       Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival

14       Year 9 Leadership Day

15-18  Senior Drama Production – Sense and Sensibility

15-17  Year 4 Camp

21       P-12 Photo Day

21       Friends of Pacific Meeting

22       National Simultaneous Story Time

23       Years 7-12 Athletics Carnival

28       Instrumental Tutor’s Concert

29-30  District Secondary Athletics

30       District Primary Athletics

30       Instrumental Tutor’s Concert

31       Caloundra Show Day

31       Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball



3-5      Year 8-9 Middle College Exams

3-7      Year 10 Exams

6         Years 4 – 6 SCISSA Gala Day 2

11       Year 11 2025 QCE Information Evening

14-16  Year 12 Retreat

18       K-3 Colour Splash

18       Friends of Pacific Meeting

19       K-12 Chapel

19       P-2 Cross Country

19       Ensembles Concert

19       Term 2 Concludes