Principal’s Log
Principal’s Log
The joy of creativity was evident as the P-5 staff and students enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book character on Monday of this week. Inspiring a love of reading opens up whole worlds, sparks imagination and is important for our social emotional and intellectual growth. We thank our library staff and teachers for continuing to spark a love of reading and to our parents for being a supportive and central part of the journey.
The creativity of our adult community was clearly on display at Friday night’s Battle of the Bands Trivia night. It was a lot of fun where we couldn’t resist singing out loud the missing lyrics. Thank you to everyone in our community who helped make it such a great night. Thank you to our talented Master of Ceremonies, Scott who kept the night rolling and provided us with great questions to solve as teams. Thank you to the Friends of Pacific team for their leadership, to Mr Steve Rattey for IT support and the members of our Rock Band and Mr Paul Cusick for providing great background music as tables were decorated. Thank you to our sponsors that included major sponsors, Moffat Beach Brewing Co, Brilliance For Business, Amber Werchon, Laserzone, Jetts, Number, Words n Works and the Gourmet Fudge Company. The generous support of all of our sponsors and community members is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to the Wiggles Admin team who won both the best dressed table and the competition as a whole. Thank you to everyone for making it such an enjoyable night.
Families of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students should have received the paper copy of their children’s Naplan results in the mail this week. All cohorts performed above national means for all sections of the test with the exception of Year 9 Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation. There were many students across all cohorts who showed outstanding growth and performed very well on the tests. The College uses these results as part of the evidence to track cohort growth in the learning of particular skills and the individual growth of students. It was particularly pleasing to see the strong performance in writing across all cohorts which has been a focus of the College.
Families will receive an invitation from MMG to participate in the College’s whole school review. These whole school reviews led by external consultants are conducted every three to four years and provide the opportunity for all parents, staff and Year 5-12 students to provide feedback and contribute to the College’s improvement strategy. We thank our community in advance for taking the time to complete this important survey.
We look forward to welcoming back our Year 6 students at the end of the week. All of the photos and feedback have suggested that they have had a great time as they have learnt more about our political system, history, science, the development of elite athletes, and how Australia’s coins and notes are made. The experience has provided important opportunities for social and emotional growth and for relationships to strengthen. We thank Mr Paul Brace for his organisation and leadership and Mrs Melanie Percival, Ms Sophia Rule, Mr Stuart Pohlner, Mr Tim Barrett, Mr Robert Belchamber, Mrs Lisa Muir, Mrs Sharon Middleton, Mrs Karen Vorster and Mr Darren Hooper for their leadership of this valuable experience.
We look forward to celebrating the special role that Dads and men play in our families and in our community next week on Thursday 29th August at the Dads’ Breakfast.
May God open us to flourish through the creative moments that pop into our lives each day.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal