Lean In

Lean In

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The next couple of weeks in the LEC is a time of getting to know our learners and how they learn best.

We have had many conversations with LEC students and parents about subject interests, electives, planning for this term’s learning and assessments. What I have noticed from these conversations is how our LEC students are stepping up, trying new things, taking opportunities, and facing adversity head-on.

It reminds me of the saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going!” This means that when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge, and this is true for our LEC students.

This week I have seen students do wonderful things, such as grow in their resilience, make good learning decisions, bravely ask for help, push through difficult school tasks, help each other, build new friendships, connect with old friends, experience success and grow in confidence. I call this “stepping up”, well done LEC students! I am so proud of you.

My advice for the next couple of weeks is to let us all ‘lean in’. Leaning in is the action of paying attention, listening closely to teachers and LEC Aides, following directions, thinking about safety and following the PLC Way.

Most of all, think about “leaning into God”, especially when times are tough, or learning is hard. You can always rely on God. In Proverb 3:5 the Bible tells us to lean not on ourselves but on God and to trust Him in everything.

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment P-12